You can either choose to focus primarily on the person being Puerto Rican or a minimum/low-wage worker
Name-Dalandi Williams
when he came to the us he was 13
You can talk about him working Minimum or low-wage workers
Grammar, spelling, and use of APA style are mandatory. Poor grammar usage, lack of
APA style, or misspelled words will seriously detract from your grade. Submissions must
adhere to APA style guidelines (exception: no abstract page is needed) including the
- A title page
- 1 inch margins
- 12-point font (Times New Roman)
- Double space
- Page numbers
- Headings, subheadings, and running head
- Citations throughout the paper and references at the end as applicable
For guidance, refer to the APA manual (reference below), the resources available on
Blackboard under course documents, and The OWL at Purdue,- APA Formatting and
Style Guide