Vaccines Dilemma

As an oral health care provider, I have had the chance to stand in front of my family and
friends and recite University of the Pacific code of ethics as it pertains to dentistry. The
biggest thing about the code of ethics is caring for any and all individuals no matter the
difficulties that are present providing competent, thorough and professional care to those
that need it. Rowitz (2014) “health the public is tied to their life in the community” (p. 262).
Ethics is everything in keeping the trust of the community and having their best interests at
In my understanding, when approaching situations with a Christian worldview includes
servant leadership and giving those compassion with lack of judgment in times when they
most need it. A situation which public health challenge presents the conflict with Christian
worldview is when public health advocates how to approach parents and their opposition to
vaccinating their children. Vaccinations are one of the ten greatest achievements in public
health. They have been scientifically researched, proven significant success, and reduction
of diseases that are now eradicated in the United States. Despite the successes and the
science behind these vaccines, there are a significant number of parents that are in
opposition of this. As much as we are aware of the benefits of public health advocatess, we
need to understand and not judge these parents.
In this case, I would apply servant leadership. Fett (2017), a TedX Talks presenter states
being intentional with making others feel worthy through love, care, respect. Not talking
down to these parents but reminding them that they must double-check their sources and
know that the pharmacies and the government are not out to get them but are there to help
extend the longevity of their children’s lives into adulthood. Showing compassion towards
them and helping eliminate the fear and doubt that they have with the medical field, the
pharmaceutical field, and even the government. This touches at the second principle in
“respecting the rights of individuals” (Public Health Leadership Society, 2002, p. 7).
Furthermore, creating collaborations with local programs to build community trust and
help further promote vaccination programs which touches on the twelfth principle.
Through these principles, we need to provide these families with the proper sources for
research, stress the importance of this and any vaccinations, discuss the herd effect, and
provide them with the risk benefits and alternatives for moving forward with the certain
Fett, A. (2017). TedX Talks: Servant leadership: How a jar can change the way you lead
and serve.

Vaccines Dilemma 2
Rowitz, L. (2014). Public health leadership: Putting principles into practice (3rd ed.).
Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Vaccine Dilemma in Public Health

Global vaccination is one of the public health field exhibiting astounding
accomplishments. Nevertheless, public health officers experience the ethical dilemma of
balancing a moral situation that lies to be determined on individual autonomy, as compared to
overall decisions on populations at risk of most infectious diseases (El Amin. 2012). Vaccination
programs are accessible in many world regions. Yet, there are discussions regarding the
propriety of necessities for vaccines, including lawful orders of immunizations enacted during
public healthcare crises and during school routine entries (El Amin. 2012). Vaccines have played
a crucial role in drastically reducing and eradicating dreadful disease afflicting man, for example,
smallpox, polio, and measles.
When parents bring their children for different vaccinations during childhood, many of
them pose and bring out valid concerns over the effects and side effects of vaccines. As a public
health leader, I can tackle these concerns and assure parents on the safety and quality of
vaccines, but this should not hold further investigations on some vaccines in the market. Also,
one needs to be considerate and worry of parents to rest by politely persuading them, yet
remaining sensitive to their opinion, culture, religion, or any other affiliations. Public health
codes maintain the inclusion of all without marginalizing differences among people. There also
genuine concerns on some of the vaccines and their necessity in early infancy, such as hepatitis
B, which should be discussed and scientifically analyzed.

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El Amin, A. N., Parra, M. T., Kim-Farley, R., & Fielding, J. E. (2012). Ethical issues concerning
vaccination requirements. Public Health Reviews, 34(1), 14.