Understanding Healthy People

Unit 6 Worksheet

Students Name: Insert Your Name Here

Instructions: Please review this worksheet carefully and complete it before submitting. This worksheet has a logical progression, therefore, you will need to complete it in order, from start to finish, without skipping steps or questions.

Purpose: As a graduate student in the Master of Public Health program, you are trained to think and perform precisely the way you would be expected to as a working public health professional. To this end, this worksheet will help train you to approach a public health topic exactly the way a working public health professional would. This may be much different than what you are used to doing. It is imperative that you fully understand the topics in this worksheet. If you receive point deductions, then you must discuss with the instructor the areas you need to improve, because this worksheet presents the basics from which your graduate studies build upon.

Understanding Healthy People

Part 1

Refer to your HealthyPeople.gov topic area webpage. At the top of the webpage, click on the Objectives tab. Review the objectives contained with that tab. You may click the View Details button for more detailed information. Place your list below these objectives. (You do not need to paraphrase here, but you should use quotation marks before and after this information, because you did not write this information. Also, you will need to provide in-text citation at the end of the quote.)

Insert your quotation here:

Special note: Please consult your APA Style Manual to learn how to do in-text citation.

Part 2

Based on the specific objectives you listed in Part 1, how do these objectives achieve the overarching goal of Healthy People? (100 words)

Insert your response:

Part 3

On the HealthyPeople.gov topic page, click on the Interventions & Resources tab. Under Clinical Recommendations review the linked website(s) connected with the public health issue. On the website(s), make connections with the information on HealthyPeople.gov with this week’s readings on health systems in a 100 word statement. (Remember, you do not own this information, only your analysis of it. Therefore, you must use in-text citation with using your sources information. The only option you have is whether you paraphrase or use quotes. Professionals rarely use quotes, because they are used to putting information from other sources in their own words by paraphrasing. You should hone this skill as soon as possible in the MPH program.)

Insert your response:

Special note: Did you copy information verbatim from this source? If so, did you remember to place quotes before and after that section, as well as provide in-text citation? If you paraphrased (best practice), did you place in-text citation at the end?

Understanding Healthy People

Part 1

            The topic selected is older adults. The objectives under prevention are;

  1. Increase the older adults’ proportion that utilizes the Welcome to Medicare benefit.
  2. Increase the older adults’ proportion that is well conversant with the clinical preventive services’ core set (HealthyPeople.gov., 2013).This includes both women and men who are aged 65 years and above.
  3. The percentage of the elderly with one or many chronic diseases who report assurance in the management of their conditions will be increased.
  4. The percentage of the elderly that access Diabetes Self-Management Benefits will be increased (HealthyPeople.gov., 2013).
  5. There will be a reduction in the percentage of the elderly with severe to moderate functional limitations.
  6. Increase the percentage of the elderly with reduced cognitive or physical function who participate in moderate, vigorous, or light leisure-time physical activities.
  7. Increase the fraction of the healthcare workforce having geriatric certification. In this regard, the healthcare workforce to be increased includes physicians, psychiatrists, registered nurses, dentists, physical therapists, and registered dieticians.

The objectives that are related to long-term supports and services include;

  1. Reducing the fraction of noninstitutionalized older adults’ proportion having disabilities and whose needs are unmet in relation to long-term supports and services.
  2. Reducing the fraction of unpaid caregivers for the elderly who report unmet caregiver support services’ need (HealthyPeople.gov., 2013).
  3. Reduce the level of hospitalizations are a result of pressure ulcers among the elderly.
  4. Reduce the level of ED (emergency department) visits as a result of falls among the elderly.
  5. Increase the number of Tribes, States, and District of Columbia that collect and publicly avail information on the features of perpetrators and victims, and cases of elder neglect, abuse, and exploitation.

Part 2

            Basically, the objectives outlined above indicate the commitment towards more comprehensive healthcare for the elderly (Scharlach & Hoshino, 2013). In this regard, the proportion of the elderly with functional limitations will be reduced, the elderly will be in a position to take good care for themselves, they will engage more in exercise and good diets, and there will be more healthcare workforce and committed caregivers to care for them. Falls and pressure ulcers will be managed in a better way and there will be long-term services and supports for their care (Thow, Graham & Lee, 2013). Measures will also be laid to ensure that cases of neglect, abuse, and exploitation are reported.

            These measures will promote the achievement of the overarching goals. The elderly will have longer and high-quality lives and in the absence of premature death, injury, disability, and preventable disease. Promoting exercise among the elderly is related to healthy behavior.

Part 3

            The clinical recommendations were drawn from (USPSTF) US Preventive Services Task Force. Recommendations are made that the elderly should undergo through regular cancer screenings. This is founded on the fact that the elderly have high chances of suffering from more than one chronic condition, and cancer is not an exception. Therefore, colorectal cancer screening using colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and fecal occult blood testing in adults aged 50-75 years should be regular (HealthyPeople.gov., 2013). Through this, cases of disease condition would be discovered early, which would prompt early and promising interventions. In addition, USPSTF recommends that women between 50 and 75 years should be subjected to regular biennial screening mammography. This will ensure that cases of breast cancer are controlled and well managed.


HealthyPeople.gov. (2013). Older Adults: Interventions & Resources.

HealthyPeople.gov. (2013). Older Adults: Objectives.

Scharlach, A. E., & Hoshino, K. (2013). Healthy aging in sociocultural context. New York: Routledge.

Thow, M. K., Graham, K., & Lee, C. (2013). The healthy heart book.