Relevant Study Results
In Table 1, Salsberry (2003) presents the demographic characteristics of the sample by level of
Insurance (uninsured, Medicaid-enrolled, and privately insured).
1. According to the “Introduction,” what categories were reported to be statistically significant?
The introductory paragraph of the article shows that the three groups in income, working status of the adults, education, health status of the adult and child, and in the utilization of health care are statistically significant
2. In Table 1, is the No. in household reported as statistically significant among the three groups (uninsured, Medicaid, and privately insured)? Provide a rationale for your answer.
The results in table 1 suggest that No. of households with a magnitude of 3.79 is statistically insignificant; the reason behind this is that there is no sign mentioned on the magnitude. This means that the significant value for this magnitude would be greater than the level of significance mentioned in the article
3. Should the null hypothesis for Marital Status (%) be rejected? Provide a rationale for your answer.
The result in table 1 suggests that the null hypothesis for the Martial status should be rejected, as the magnitude of X2 i.e. 3.79 is insignificant. Non significant results indicate that the null hypotheses are supported or accepted as an accurate reflection of the results of the study.
4. How many null hypotheses were rejected in the Salsberry (2003) study? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Six of the overall null hypotheses were rejected since six X2 values were significant, as indicated in Table 1. Significant results indicate that the null hypotheses are not supported or not accepted as an accurate reflection of the results of the study.
5. Does Marital Status or Education (of adults) have a greater statistically significant difference among the three groups (uninsured, Medicaid, or privately insured)? Provide a rationale for your answer.
It can be suggested that the marital status have a greater statistically significant difference over education among the three groups (uninsured, Medicaid, or privately insured) as the magnitude i.e. 21.95 is statistically significant at (p<0.001). Whereas, the results show that Education (of adult) is reported significant at p < .05, it means the smaller the p value, the more significant the findings.
6. Was there a significant difference in Working status for the three levels of insurance (uninsured, Medicaid enrolled, and privately insured)? Provide a rationale for your answer.
The result in table 1 recommends that working status for the three levels of insurance (uninsured, Medicaid enrolled, and privately insured) is statistically significantly different, the symbol next to this X2 value indicates that it is statistically significant at p<0.001. If alpha (() = 0.05 for this study, then p is less than (indicates that the X2 value is statistically significant.
7. State the null hypothesis for level of insurance and Gender–% female.
There is no difference in Gender – % female among the three groups determined by levels of insurance (uninsured, Medicaid-enrolled, and privately insured).
8. Should the null hypothesis for Question 7 be accepted or rejected? Provide a rationale for your answer
It can be suggested that the null hypothesis for question 7 must be accepted as the magnitude of X2 value which is positive and empirically significant.
9. In your own opinion, were the outcomes of this study what you expected?
Yes because the statistics indicate a strong and significant correlation
10. In your own opinion, should the results of this study be generalized to other State Children’s Health? Insurance Programs (SCHIPs)? Provide a rationale for your answer.
No: because the data for children in different states might be generate varied results with respect to levels of insurance.
Salsberry, P. J. (2003). Why are some children still uninsured? Journal of Pediatric Health Care,
17(1), 32–8.