SPSS Summary Statistics

SPSS Summary Statistics

For this assignment, you create and compute summary statistics for a dataset provided
as a Microsoft Excel file. Import the data into SPSS and then calculate the summary
statistics, including the mean, median, mode, range, range, and the standard deviation
as instructed below. Note: If you correctly saved the data file from Module 4
assignment, you may open and use that saved file to complete this assignment. Type
your answers to all questions directly into the worksheet, and paste the required
summary statistics output at the end of this document.
Submit this Application Assignment by Day 7 of Week 9.
Research Scenario
A researcher is interested in the effect of a new medication on serum cholesterol, HDL
cholesterol, and glycosylated hemoglobin of adults. The researcher randomly selects a
sample of 40 (20 male and 20 female) participants who have been diagnosed with high
cholesterol. Assuring equal distribution of males and females, the participants are
randomly assigned to one of two conditions (or groups): Following pretest measures of
serum cholesterol (CHOL), High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and glycosylated
hemoglobin (GLYHB), the experimental group (group 1) is given the medication for a
period of six months while the control group (group 2) is given a placebo. After the six
months, CHOL, HDL and GLYHB are again measured.
The post-test data for each participant are provided in the data set “Module 4, 5, and 6
applic assign data_Cholesterol etc” and can be found in the module learning resources.
The codebook for the data provided is as follows:
AGE Age in years
SEX 1 =male, 2=female
GROUP 1 =medication, 2=placebo
CHNG_CHOL change in cholesterol from pre-test to post-test
HDL High density lipoprotein at post-test

GLYHB Glycosylated hemoglobin at post-test

Step 1: Import the Microsoft Excel data file into SPSS or use the correct saved SPSS
data file as noted in the instructions, above.
Step 2: Run descriptive/summary statistics (mean, median, mode, standard deviation,
and range) for both groups 1 and 2 (medication and placebo), combined for each of
the following: AGE, CHNG_CHOL,HDL, and GLYHB (be sure to save your output)
Step 3: Separate the data file by group

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Step 4: Run descriptive/summary statistics for each group separately for each of the
following: AGE, CHNG_CHOL,HDL, and GLYHB (be sure to save your output)
Step 5: Review your SPSS output and answer each of the following questions:
QUESTION type answers below
For groups 1 and 2 (medication and placebo) combined:

  1. What is the mean for AGE? 37.18______
  2. What is the median for AGE? 37.50____
  3. What is the standard deviation for AGE? 12.262______________
  4. What is the mean for CHANGE_CHOL? -3.05________________
  5. What is the median for CHANGE_CHOL? -2.0________________
  6. What is the standard deviation for
    CHANGE_CHOL? 4.006______________
  7. What is the mean for HDL? 45.08____________
  8. What is the median for HDL? 45__________
  9. What is the standard deviation for HDL? 8.66________
  10. What is the mean for GLYHB? 4.96________
  11. What is the median for GLYHB? 4.79__________
  12. What is the standard deviation GLYHB? 0.88________
    For group 1 (medication) only:
  13. What is the mean for CHANGE_CHOL? – 5.65__________
  14. What is the median for CHANGE_CHOL? – 5.00______________
  15. What is the standard deviation for
    CHANGE_CHOL? 4.095________
  16. What is the range for CHANGE_CHOL? 17________
    For group 2 (placebo) only:
  17. What is the mean for CHANGE_CHOL? – 45____
  18. What is the median for CHANGE_CHOL? _– 50___

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  1. What is the standard deviation for
    CHANGE_CHOL? ____1.395
  2. What is the range for CHANGE_CHOL? __________5

Step 6: Paste all required SPSS output below.

  1. Data output for combined group 1 & 2
    Descriptive Statistics
    N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
    AGE 40 17 65 37.18 12.262
    SEX 40 1 2 1.50 .506
    CHNG_CHOL 40 -16 2 -3.05 4.006
    GLYHB 40 3.41 7.72 4.9665 .87109
    HDL 40 28 69 45.08 8.666
    Valid N (listwise) 40
  2. Data output for CHNG_CHOL by GROUP
    Case Processing Summary

Included Excluded Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
CHNG_CHOL * GROUP 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%


GROUP N Mean Median Std. Deviation Range
Experimental 20 -5.65 -5.00 4.095 17
Control 20 -.45 -.50 1.395 5
Total 40 -3.05 -2.00 4.006 18

  1. Data output for all variables in Control and Experimental group separately

Case Processing Summary

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Included Excluded Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
AGE * GROUP 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%
SEX * GROUP 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%
CHNG_CHOL * GROUP 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%
HDL * GROUP 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%
GLYHB * GROUP 40 100.0% 0 0.0% 40 100.0%


Experimental N 20 20 20 20 20
Mean 41.45 1.50 -5.65 50.15 4.4085
Median 43.00 1.50 -5.00 50.00 4.4950
Std. Deviation 12.630 .513 4.095 7.300 .36357
Control N 20 20 20 20 20
Mean 32.90 1.50 -.45 40.00 5.5245
Median 33.50 1.50 -.50 40.00 5.2000
Std. Deviation 10.518 .513 1.395 6.829 .87742
Total N 40 40 40 40 40
Mean 37.18 1.50 -3.05 45.08 4.9665
Median 37.50 1.50 -2.00 45.00 4.7900
Std. Deviation 12.262 .506 4.006 8.666 .87109