Purpose, mission, and goals of Mayo Clinic

1.Describe the purpose, mission, and goals of this health care organization. Provide an
overview of the type of health care organization and the community it serves. Discuss the
population, or stakeholders, that this organization is committed to serving.
2.Identify the regulating agencies that oversee the organization. Why is the role of a
regulatory agency important in health care? What are the specific responsibilities assigned
to regulating agencies? How do regulation agencies support heath care and the
stakeholders in health care?
3.Identify a health care issue/topic relevant for this organization (workplace safety, patient
safety, quality, fraud and abuse, injury, etc.). Discuss the relevance of this issue or topic for
the organization.
4.Evaluate the organization’s ability to meet the legal and ethical requirements based on
agency regulations
Support your paper using three to five sources

Regulatory Agencies

Mayo Clinic is a healthcare organization located in Wisconsin, United States. It has its
branches in Georgia, Minnesota, and Lowa. The purpose of Mayo Clinic is to improve health and
well-being of Wisconsin community by providing quality healthcare to children and families
within the region. Mayo Clinic has a mission and goals that help to guide its activities and
operations in Wisconsin. The mission of Mayo Clinic is to promote the well-being and health of
Wisconsin Community by offering quality health care services through the integration of
evidence-based research and education into clinical practice. Its goal is to eliminate health

disparities in Wisconsin community and to remain the most trusted health care organization by
patients in the region (Pruthi, Davis, Hucke, Ripple and Tatze, 2015).
Mayo Clinic is a primary healthcare organization that is committed to bringing back hope
to children and families who are suffering from a variety of health problems. The team is highly
focused on meeting the needs of every patient in a manner that will promote healing and
recovery. Mayo Clinic provides both inpatient and outpatient care services. It mainly serves
patients from Wisconsin community. The stakeholders that the health care facility is committed
to helping are; patients, employees, and the community as a whole (Pruthi, Davis, Hucke, Ripple
and Tatze, 2015).
Activities and operations of Mayo Clinic are regulated by three regulatory agencies. The three
regulatory agencies include Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Department of
Children and Families, and Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. The general role
of these regulatory bodies is to ensure that healthcare facilities in Wisconsin comply with the
required regulatory standards in all areas of operations and activities. The role of Wisconsin
Department of Health and Services is important in health care because it helps to promote
positive health outcomes for patients. Specifically, Wisconsin Department of Health and
Services is charged with the responsibility of formulating quality care regulations which all
health care organizations within Wisconsin must comply with when delivering care. Wisconsin
Department of Health and Services ensures that health care agencies in the region including
Mayo Clinic can offer quality care to patients at all times (Wisconsin Department of Health
Services, 2017).

The regulatory role of Wisconsin Department of Children and Families is important in
health care because it enhances improved health and health care delivery to children and families
in the region. The specific role assigned to Wisconsin Department of Children and Families is
the development of regulations that guide licensure of health care providers. By providing
licenses only to the most qualified providers of care, the agency helps to protect children and
families from receiving poor care services in all health organizations in Wisconsin including
Mayo Clinic (Family Connections, Inc., 2013).
The role of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development is considered to be
important in healthcare because it facilitates recruitment and retention of highly qualified
physicians and health workers who can offer the best care services. The specific responsibility
assigned to Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development is setting standards and
workforce management approaches which all health facilities in the region must maintain
compliance to be allowed to operate. The roles of this agency have a positive influence on health
care because it promotes the improvement of physicians’ skill levels which translates into
increased clinical outcomes for patients (Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development,
Patient safety is one of the health care issues which are relevant for Mayo Clinic. Mitchell
(2008) defines patient safety as minimization of harm during care delivery. Since Mayo Clinic
currently serves patients from the entire Wisconsin community, the most appropriate way
through which the organization can maintain a good reputation is the maximization of patient
safety. In this regard, all health workers in the organization must demonstrate a commitment to
eliminating all forms of harm to the patients served. Mayo Clinic must, therefore, maintain
compliance with all regulatory requirements as it appertains to patient safety.

Mayo Clinic is in a position to meet the ethical and legal requirements of patient safety
documented by Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services, Department of Children, and
Families, as well as Department of Workforce Development. Mayo’s commitment to patient
safety is evidenced in the organization’s code of ethical and legal conduct that contains a set of
rules which all workers must adhere to for them to keep their clients from harm (Mayo
Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2008). The Clinic has developed a code of
conduct based on the regulatory requirements of the three agencies that regulate activities and
operations of health care organizations in Wisconsin. Specifically, Mayo’s code of conduct
guides healthcare workers on the importance of preventing medical errors, as well as how they
can eliminate the occurrence of such errors during practice. Additionally, in its code of conduct,
Mayo Clinic emphasizes about its culture of safety and the specific roles of employees in
maintaining the culture. To instill discipline among employees who violate its safety policy,
Mayo Clinic has highlighted the repercussions that they will face including possible loss of
employment (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2008).


Family Connections, Inc. (2013). Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF).
Retrieved from familyconnectionscc.org
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2008). Mayo Clinic: Integrity and
compliance program. Wisconsin: Author.
Mitchell, P. H. (2008). Defining patient safety and quality care. Rockville, MD: Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, US.

Pruthi, S., Davis, D., Hucke, D., Ripple, F. & Tatze, B. (2015). Vision, mission, and values:
From concept to execution at Mayo Clinic. Patient Experience Journal, 2(2):168-173.
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. (2017).
Wisconsin Department of Health Services. (2017).