Prevalence of dementia in UK

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the information should show numbers (prevalence of dementia among people in this country and the rate of dementia among men and women ……… prevalence)

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Prevalence of dementia in UK

According to Bhattacharyya, Benbow & Kar (2012), many people suffering from dementia have not yet received a formal diagnosis in UK. There are differences in various countries such as England, Northern Ireland, and Wales when it comes to people with dementia receiving diagnosis. In 2012, 63 percent of people in Northern Ireland, 44 per cent in England and 39 per cent in Wales received diagnosis (Bhattacharyya, Benbow & Kar, 2012). People with dementia require high level of care to help them manage the same.

 The prevalence of dementia in UK is average. The number of people that are directly affected by dementia is averaged at 820,000 (Bhattacharyya, Benbow & Kar, 2012). This cost the UK economy an estimate of $23 billion in 2008 in treatment. The cost surpassed that of treating cancer and heart diseases. Most of the people affected with this disease are mostly the elderly. The cost of treatment in the next 15 years is geared to increase by 20 percent and therefore, the government should be concerned (Bhattacharyya, Benbow, & Kar, 2012).

Across the world, the population that suffers from this condition is 24 million people and this number is increasing. Dementia is one of the causes of chronic diseases contributor amongst many people in UK. The prevalence of dementia between both genders has not yet established but it manifest more in men compared to women. Even though efforts are underway to ensure that prevalence reduces, number of people without diagnosis is an area of concern. Many people have not come out for diagnosis because of various reasons such as personal preferences not to receive a diagnosis, potential for causing person with dementia stress, and failure by the family to recognize symptoms. Therefore, dementia is a disease that requires government efforts to help in reducing its prevalence. Patients and other stakeholders also need to support the preventive measures.


Bhattacharyya, S.,  Benbow, S., & Kar, N. (2012). Unmet Service Needs of Ethnic Elders with    Dementia in United Kingdom. Indian Journal of Gerontology, 26(2,): 242-258.