Perceptual constancy

  1. Explain how the rods and cones and the areas of the eye allow us to see a variety of
    objects and in a variety of environments. How do feature detectors in the brain enhance
    this ability?
  2. Our visual world is forever changing yet we manage to see a world of constant shapes,
    colors and sizes. Define the concept of Perceptual Constancies and explain shape, size and
    color constancies Give a clear example of each.
  3. Define depth perception. What do the terms “binocular” and “monocular” mean?
    Explain 3 monocular cues and tell how an artist can use these 3 cues to create a painting
    that has a sense of depth.

Short essay

Question 11
Perceptual constancy is the ability that aids people to make sense of the world. It is also
the ability to recognize that a given object is the same even if the objects produce different
shapes or images on the retina (Myers 2002, p. 132). Therefore, perceptual constancy enables
people to recognize objects without being deceived by changes in size, shape and color.
Example is a case where a man watches his wife walk away. The image of the woman will
shrink but it does not mean that the woman has changed in size in real sense.
Shape constancy is a situation where objects seem to have different shapes despite the
fact that they make differently shaped retinal images depending on the angle of viewing (Myers
2002, p. 133). An example is a door. People will often perceive the form of the door as constant
even though it may appear smaller because it is familiar.
Size constancy occurs when objects of similar size seem to have different size depending
on the increase or decrease of the distance. People therefore perceive objects as having a
constant size even though the distance from the object may vary (Myers 2002, p. 133). For

example, people will assume that a car is large enough to carry many people even though its
image from a distance may appear smaller.
Color constancy refers to a situation where different wavelengths of light are reflected
from objects under variety of lighting conditions. This case is caused by the ability of the eye to
adapt to different light conditions and interpretation of color based on the colors of nearby
objects. Therefore, the context of the objects plays a key role. An example is of color constancy
is the differences that is observed when one views a tomato placed in a tube and another placed
on a bowl (Myers, 2002, p. 133). A tomato placed in a tube would seem to change with the
variation of the light or wavelength reflected as opposed to the one placed on bowl as its color is
going to remain constant even as the lighting shifts.



Myers, D. (2002). Psychology in Everyday Life. New York: Worth Publishers, Paperback, 2nd

is the ability that aids people to make sense of the world. It is also
the ability to recognize that a given object is the same even if the objects produce different
shapes or images on the retina (Myers 2002, p. 132). Therefore, perceptual constancy enables
people to recognize objects without being deceived by changes in size, shape and color.
Example is a case where a man watches his wife walk away. The image of the woman will
shrink but it does not mean that the woman has changed in size in real sense.
Shape constancy is a situation where objects seem to have different shapes despite the
fact that they make differently shaped retinal images depending on the angle of viewing (Myers
2002, p. 133). An example is a door. People will often perceive the form of the door as constant
even though it may appear smaller because it is familiar.
Size constancy occurs when objects of similar size seem to have different size depending
on the increase or decrease of the distance. People therefore perceive objects as having a
constant size even though the distance from the object may vary (Myers 2002, p. 133). For

example, people will assume that a car is large enough to carry many people even though its
image from a distance may appear smaller.
Color constancy refers to a situation where different wavelengths of light are reflected
from objects under variety of lighting conditions. This case is caused by the ability of the eye to
adapt to different light conditions and interpretation of color based on the colors of nearby
objects. Therefore, the context of the objects plays a key role. An example is of color constancy
is the differences that is observed when one views a tomato placed in a tube and another placed
on a bowl (Myers, 2002, p. 133). A tomato placed in a tube would seem to change with the
variation of the light or wavelength reflected as opposed to the one placed on bowl as its color is
going to remain constant even as the lighting shifts.



Myers, D. (2002). Psychology in Everyday Life. New York: Worth Publishers, Paperback, 2nd