Discuss current research that links patient safety outcomes to ADN and BSN nurses. Based
on some real-life experiences, do you agree or disagree with this research?
Patient Safety Outcomes; ADN and BSN Nurses
A well educated nursing workforce is the hinge for quality patient care. According to
current research, fewer medication errors, lower mortality rates, as well as positive outcomes are
connected to nurses that are prepared at the graduate and baccalaureate degree levels.
AACN as well as other authorities hold the notion that education possesses a strong
influence on the nurse’s practice ability and that patients should receive care from the best
educated workforce. There is a growing research body reinforcing this belief and showing the
link between lower mortality rates and baccalaureate education (Ridley, 2008).
In the Health Affairs March 2013 issue, there was an article where Ann Kutney-Lee, a
nurse researcher, and her colleagues reported that there was a ten-point rise in the portion of
nurses having BSN and in hospitals, this was linked to an average 2.12 deaths reduction in every
one thousand patients. For patients with complications, there was an average 7.7 deaths reduction
in every one thousand patients.
In the Journal of Nursing Administration February 2013 issue, Mary Blegen and her
colleagues reported the findings of a cross-sectional study. 21 University Helathsystem
Consortium hospitals were involved. Hospitals with more percentage of registered nurses with
higher or baccalaureate degrees had lower mortalities from congestive heart failure, failure to
rescue, decubitus ulcers, pulmonary thrombosis, postoperative deep vein thrombosis, and shorter
stay lengths (Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Western Institute of Nursing (U.S.),
& WIN Assembly, 2011).
In this regard, the AACN (American Association of Colleges of Nursing) is dedicated
towards working collaboratively so as to ensure a highly qualified nursing workforce. This is
based on the argument that education promotes both care delivery and clinical competency.
Communicating Nursing Research Conference, Western Institute of Nursing (U.S.), & WIN
Assembly. (2011). Transitions: Unifying practice, education, and research to improve
health. Portland, OR: Western Institute of Nursing.
Ridley, R. T. (2008). The relationship between nurse education level and patient safety: an
integrative review. The Journal of Nursing Education, 47, 4, 149-56.