Organizational Value in nursing

Organizational Value in nursing

Prepare a 10-minute presentation (10-15 slides, not including title or reference slide)
on organizational culture and values.

1.Describe how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of
the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

2.Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to
overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups, and
promote effective problem solving.

3.Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the
values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses did or did not
align. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.


Values- Values are our fundamental beliefs. They are the principles we
use to define that which is right, good and just. Values provide
guidance as they determine the right versus the wrong and the good
versus the bad. They are our standards (Kouzes & Posner, 2012).

Organizational Values- Organizational values define the acceptable
standards, which govern the behavior of individuals within the
organization. They are a set of beliefs that specify universal
expectations and preferred modes of behavior in a company. They
point the way to purposeful action and approved behavior (Wildermuth
& Pauken, 2008).

Personal Values – These are values that individuals hold and allow to
guide their activities including work (Wildermuth & Pauken, 2008).

Human relations are based on the values of an organization and the
personal values of an individual (Connors & Smith, 2011).

Organizational Values & Nurse
Engagement/Patient Outcomes

Impact of alignment of values on nursing

Organizational Values Include:
Action Orientation, Visionary
Leadership, Equity/Fairness,
innovation/risk taking, and Effective
communication (Kouzes & Posner,

Personal Values Include: Attitudes,
Compassion/Caring, Courtesy,
Enthusiasm, Perseverance,
Dependability, Reliability, Diligence,
and Self-confidence (Connors &
Smith, 2011).

Alignment improves the overall
working environment in the

Use of Effective Communication
Techniques to Overcome Workplace

Nurses can prevent or manage workplace challenges by
improving their communication skills.

Effective communication occurs only when the message
received is Interpreted in the way it was intended (LaSala &
Bjarnason, 2010).

Nurses should use these effective communication techniques to
overcome workplace challenges: 1)actively listen to each other,
2)maintain appropriate eye contact, 3)be aware of body
language and tone, 4)ask for clarification by asking open-ended
questions and not assuming what is being said, 5) paraphrasing
to be sure you have understand the message, 6)the nurse must
listen, and not interrupt the other individual, for good
communication to occur (Kouzes & Posner, 2012).

Effective Communication and

Nurses need to become proactive and learn how to effectively
communicate with their patients, the patients’ families and
friends, as well as their colleagues to establish a collaborative
working environment (LaSala & Bjarnason, 2010).

Effective communication is imperative in promoting
collaboration, which in turn is the most desirable approach of
ensuring cooperation and teamwork (LaSala & Bjarnason, 2010).

Collaboration is viewed as the opposite of avoidance and
competition and can only be achieved through effective
communication, in which the goal is for both parties to win
(LaSala & Bjarnason, 2010).

Use of Effective Communication to
Promote Problem Solving

Good communication skills (i.e. effective communication)
allow the nurse to resolve his or her own conflicts or
facilitate conflict resolution between other individuals
(LaSala & Bjarnason, 2010).

Encouraging discussion of both positive and negative
feelings will increase the chances of both parties
expressing all of their concerns .

Fostering active listening and understanding enhances this
crucial aspect of problem solving (LaSala & Bjarnason,

An Example of Organizational Values &
Nurse Values Alignment

Alignment or lack of alignment between organizational values
and values of individual nurse is key to performance in nursing
(Connors & Smith, 2011).

A specific example of alignment between my personal values
and those of the organization was in area of teamwork, which I
greatly valued and also was emphasized by the organization.

This required individual nurses to collaboratively work with
other nurses as well as doctors and other staff for the benefit
of the patient. This alignment generated a lot of loyalty,
enthusiasm and dedication which significantly improved my

Key Areas of Values Alignment

Core beliefs in an organization
are often informed by its
culture and values (Kouzes &
Posner, 2012).

These organizational values
interrelate with values of
individual nurse

Key areas where these values
align or do not align include:
vision, mission, structure,
strategic objectives and goals,
programs, projects, and actions
(Wildermuth & Pauken, 2008).

Impact of the Alignment on Nurse
Engagement & Patient Outcomes

The alignment of organizational values and values of
individual nurse creates the sense of ownership, loyalty,
and dedication to work (Kouzes & Posner, 2012).

There is a suitable working environment through
alignment of values, which results to creation of the
values of capable, self-respect, helpful, as well as
honesty (Kouzes & Posner, 2012).

Consequently, these improved relationships are
attributed to positive impact on nurse engagement and
patient outcomes (Connors & Smith, 2011).


Organizational values and personal values on an
individual nurse are the most important driving force
towards improved performance and ensuring integrity
and ethics in nursing.

Effective communication plays a crucial role in
promoting collaboration between groups working in a
nursing environment.

Alignment between organizational values and values
of individual nurse is imperative for improved nurse
engagement as well as patient outcomes.


Connors, R., & Smith, T. (2011). Change the Culture, Change
the Game. New York, NY: Penguin Group.

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The Leadership
Challenge, (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: John Wiley and Sons.

LaSala, C.A., & Bjarnason, D. (2010). Creating Workplace
Environments that Support Moral Courage. OJIN: The Online
Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(3), Manuscript 4.

Wildermuth, C., & Pauken, P. (2008). A perfect match:
Decoding employee engagement – Part I: engaging cultures
and leaders. Industrial and Commercial Training,