Nursing Theorist

Assignment 2: Group Project Presentation on Nursing Theorist
Your Project Deliverables include the following:

  1. Packet of Materials
    A packet of materials should be posted to the Discussion Area for peer critique and
    submitted to the W4: Assignment 2 Dropbox. The packet should include a detailed outline
    of the PowerPoint presentation and a one-page summary of each of five relevant articles on
    or about the theory and at the top of the page should have the complete reference in APA
    format. It should also include any handouts, such as charts, diagrams, or definitions, which
    will facilitate understanding of the PowerPoint presentation and the theory itself.
  2. PowerPoint Presentation
    Your PowerPoint presentation should be uploaded to the appropriate Discussion Area
    section of for this week.
    Your presentation should have:
    A brief overview of the theorist’s background.
    Discussion of the theorist’s view of the four basic metaparadigms and two concepts unique
    to the theory.
    The basic theoretical assertions or propositions.
    An analysis and a critique of the model with a focus on elaboration of the theory’s
    implications for nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing research.

Benner’s Novice to expert nursing theory

Theories enhance our understanding of various aspects in health pertaining to their
functioning and operations. Various nurses have developed their theories in nursing aimed at
enhancing understanding about nursing. Even though the theories have a clear and systematic
ways that drives to their conclusion, they have received criticism for some of their limitations
and assumption. Dr. Patricia Benner is one of the theorists that came up with a theory branded as
Benner’s Novice to expert nursing theory. The focal point of the theory is that nurses learn
through experience and therefore skill develops over time and as well through a sound
educational base (Benner, 2013). This expertise acquired over time enables a nurse to become an
expert in the field.
The theory has implications on the nursing practice, nursing education and as well as
nursing research. Asserting that individuals gain skills and expertise through their experience and

duration of time is true to some level but this assumption has ramifications on the nursing
education. Education is very important in nursing because, it allows nurses to understand the
theoretical aspect of administering their treatment. Education furthermore, equips nurses with
more skills such as social and interpersonal skill that plays a key role in the provision of services.
Furthermore, through nurse education, it allows the nurses to be equipped with skills to easily
adapt to the changing conditions. New strains of diseases are cropping up and it becomes
important for the nurses to have a good education so as to enhance their level of understanding.
The theory therefore, has limitations, as it does not consider the other importance of education. It
also encourages reluctance among nurses to pursue higher education because, it does not seem to
appreciate and recognize the value of education in the nursing practice.
Nursing practice is also a very critical and important function. Nurses Provide
fundamental services to the sick and they must be competent enough to render quality services.
Even though a nurse gains experience through the practice, this knowledge requires to be
complemented with the theoretical skills acquired in the classroom. In practice, nurses require to
understand how to interact and to provide better care to the patients. Some of the skills required
to practice nursing are acquired through training and learning. The training is also one of the
ways that the nurse acquires and builds their knowledge and experience to qualify to be
practicing nurses.
Nursing research on the other hand is also essential. Research is one way of advancing
new knowledge in a certain field. Nurses therefore, must endeavor to conduct research to come
up with innovations. Research is a complex process that requires application of technical skills
acquired through learning. Therefore, even though a nurse may have gained expertise in nursing

through the experience and period in service provision, research skills are acquired through
education and training.
It is true as Patricia Benner asserts through the theory that, knowledge is gained and
developed through experience. However, it is also very important to note that the theory lacks
enough support for the assertion made. Nursing practice, education, and research are very critical
areas that require in-depth training for the nurses to be able to deliver better services. This
training is also part of the skills acquisition and it enhances service delivery.

Benner, P. (2013). Nursing theories.