My Movie: Inception 2010 by Christopher Nolan
Topic: narrative structure in Inception
Mandatory source: The Lost Unconscious: Delusions and Dreams in Inception
Mark Fisher, Film Quarterly, Vol. 64, No. 3 (Spring 2011), pp. 37-45 (9 pages)
1. Please compare and contrast with movie and mandatory source but feel free to bring in other sources if needed.
2. You will also be required to write one 2,000 word paper discussing some aspect of a film assigned for this class in relation to the discussion of that aspect in the assigned reading.
3. your paper must make appropriate reference to ideas/theories in the assigned readings.
4. You will be expected to discuss (not just mention) at least one idea in relation to your thesis.
5. Feel free to include in your paper references to sci-fi films not assigned for this class so long as you also discuss one or more of the assigned films in relation to them. Maybe the film Synchronic