1)Briefly describe the method or particular instrument you would use to assess the client presented in the case study and explain why you chose that method or instrument.

2) Explain how you would integrate the use of this assessment into your personal counseling style.

3)Briefly conceptualize this client’s case based on the crisis assessment.


Generally, most high-impact leaders are driven by a particular model. This is also true when that effectual leader does not take the time to define her individual unique leadership model (Johnson, 2009). Essentially, leadership values are vital in raising the quality of leadership. In this paper, I develop my personal model of leadership and it entails three critical steps.

Table 1: Personal Model of Leadership                       

ValueLevel BehaviorsMeaning and PurposeImpact
CourageIndividualDoing what is right Overcoming obstaclesAttain desired quality of lifeWill be a better person
ConfidenceIndividualunshakeable belief in myselfI will overcome self-doubtA more confident person
PassionIndividualBeing optimistic, cheerful and enthusiasticChoose to work in a leadership positionWill be more passionate in whatever I aim do
HonestyInterpersonalTo be sincere, straightforward and truthfulGet firms to embrace and sustain honest practicesWill be an individual that values sincerity and kindness
HelpfulnessInterpersonalTo be kind and supportive to othersTo help the needy and destitute personsWill be more king and supportive to others
TeamworkInterpersonalCooperationWill choose to work in a company that fosters cooperationWill be a more cooperative person
ResourcefulnessOrganizationalBeing ingeniousWill choose to work where ingenuity and resourcefulness are appreciatedOrganizations will be more ingenious
EfficiencyOrganizationalTo be effective and competentWill only work where effectiveness and good organization are valuedMore companies will appreciate competence and effectiveness in their activities
IntegrityOrganizationalUprightness, moral leadershipWill only work where truthfulness and integrity are fosteredCompanies will appreciate truthfulness and integrity more especially on their heads
Adherence to lawsSocietalBeing a law abiding citizenWill only work in firms that follow rules and set regulationsMore firms will be law abiding
RespectSocietalPolite, respectfulWill only work associate myself with respectful people and organizationsPeople would be more respectful to another in the society. Firms will respect human rights more
CompassionSocietalSympatheticWill strive to seek help for the needyNumber of needy, poor students going to good schools will rise
Striving for corruption-free societySocietalNever take bribeWill refuse to work with corrupt individuals or firmsCorruption will reduce in the society both and individual and corporate levels

Part 1: Draft

The impact of my contribution to myself, other people in the society, organizations and the society at large are covered in this draft, which is part 1 of the paper. To me as a leader and as an individual, the values selected from an individual perspective will help me become a better individual because I will now be able to achieve whatever I put my mind on. This is primarily because with courage, I would be able to overcome my own fears. In addition, I would be a very confident person with a firm belief in myself and in whatever I choose to carry out. For organizations that I join to work for within the community and to the society at large, there would be a reduction in corruption incidences. This is because I would work to get as many organizations as possible to cease their corrupt dealings such as paying powerful officials in order to get their tenders and bids accepted. In addition, more organizations would adhere to industry rules and regulations. Additionally, the number of students from needy and poor families attending good schools, colleges and universities would increase to some extent. This is mainly because I would work to get more companies to support the needy students get through college. Consequently, it is anticipated that more organizations would provide monetary support to them in the form of scholarships and sponsorships to facilitate their education. Lastly, because of the value of helpfulness, the number of homeless and destitute people on the streets would reduce considerably.

Part 2:

Step 1: There are multiple basic values that would provide the foundation of my model. These values are selected from all four perspectives: individual; interpersonal; organizational; and societal perspectives. First, the values that would guide me from an individual perspective include the following: (i) courage; (ii) confidence; (iii) passion. The behavioral norms that I expect to follow from courage include doing what is right and overcoming obstacles even when I am afraid. From confidence, the behavioral norm expected is having an unshakeable belief in me that I can attain whatever I want to attain. With passion, the behavioral norm expected is to be optimistic, cheerful and enthusiastic (Mastrangelo, 2009). The values that would guide me from an interpersonal perspective are (i) honesty, (ii) teamwork and (iii) helpfulness. The behavioral norms or actions expected from honesty include being always sincere, straightforward and truthful in my relations with others. With teamwork, the expected norms include cooperation and working together with other people. With helpfulness, I will be expected to be kind and supportive to others (Alishap, 2011).

The values that would guide me from an organizational perspective include (i) resourcefulness, (ii) efficiency, and (iii) integrity. The behavioral norms or actions expected to follow from resourcefulness include utilizing the available organizational resources in optimal manner so as to make best of the situation, and also to be ingenious (Heathfield, 2011). From efficiency, the expected norm is being effective and competent in my duties and responsibilities within the organization. From the value of integrity, the expected norms or actions are moral leadership, uprightness and honor. Finally, the values that would guide me from a societal perspective are (i) adherence to laws, (ii) corruption-free society, (iii) respect; and (iv) compassion. The expected actions or norms expected from adherence to laws include following rules in the society and abiding by the laws. From corruption-free society, I would be able to shun corrupt dealings in the society; and from respect, I would be expected to be respectful and polite to all members of the society irrespective of age, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. With compassion, I would be expected to be kind and sympathetic to others in the society, especially the poor.  

Step 2: approach for creating a sense of meaning and purpose

With the value of courage, I will be able to attain the quality of life that I seek since I would no longer be shackled by my own fears. I will be able to press on and overcome impediments which are on my way that hinder me from achieving my dreams and aspirations. Using this value, I will have the ability of doing what is right and what is necessary. Confidence: I will utilize this value to overcome self-doubt and give myself firm belief in whatever I want to do (Alishap, 2011). Passion: I will utilize this value to choose a line of work that will enable me to assume a leadership position in a company for instance being a supervisor or manager, since I have a passion for leadership. Honesty: I will use this value to work to get organizations to embrace and sustain honest practices in their business activities. Respect: I will utilize this value to work only with individuals and organizations that uphold respect to other people in the society. Teamwork: with this value, I will choose to work in a company whose leaders and managers appreciate cooperation amongst employees. Helpfulness: I will use this value to help others who are homeless and work to encourage companies and individuals to help the destitute and homeless people in the society (Johnson, 2009). Resourcefulness: I will utilize this value to work only with companies that are resourceful and appreciate ingenuity. Efficiency: with this value, I will select to work with companies wherein good organization, competence and effectiveness of work are appreciated. Integrity: I will only work in organizations where leaders have integrity and employees are encouraged to be truthful in their duties and activities. Adherence to laws: I will utilize this value to work in companies that only adhere to the stipulated industry and government laws and regulations. Corruption-free society: with this value, I will choose only to work with the companies where corruption is unacceptable. Compassion: I will use this value to work to get organizations to provide financial support toward the education of needy people in the society for instance through scholarships and sponsorships (Mastrangelo, 2009). Respect: I will use this value to get companies to respect the rule of law and people to have respect for one another in the community not considering gender, sexual orientation, color or ethnicity.

Step 3: the impact of my contribution to myself, other people, organizations and society

The aforementioned approaches would have the following impacts: To me as a leader and as an individual. I would be a better person since I would now be able to achieve whatever I put my mind on due to the fact that I will have the capacity to conquer my fears. Moreover, I would be a more confident individual with a resolute belief in myself. For organizations I join to work for within the community, there would be reduction in corruption incidences. In addition, more organizations would adhere to industry rules and regulations. The number of learners from needy and poor families attending good schools, colleges and universities would increase considerably because more companies would provide monetary support to them in the form of scholarships and sponsorships. Additionally, the number of homeless and destitute people on the streets would decrease substantially.


Alishap, J. (2011). Personal Leadership Model. Seattle, WA: Kogan Publishers.

Heathfield, S. M. (2011). Leadership and Ethics. Albany, NY: Springer Publishers.

Johnson, R. (2009). What’s In Your Leadership Model? Columbus, OH: CRC Press.

Mastrangelo, A. (2009). Leadership 101. Austin, TX: Penguin Publishers.