Health Eco-system


Todays healthcare ecosystem is influenced by external factors such as legislative events, economic changes, and social trends impacting delivery systems. The role of the health informatics professional is to analyze and respond to the information needs of external and internal customers throughout the continuum of healthcare services (the healthcare ecosystem). For this task you will be expected to demonstrate your understanding of todays healthcare ecosystem and trends in services, and how health informatics professionals play an important role in monitoring the impact of national health information initiatives, particularly in the use of information systems.

Select one large healthcare organization in your geographic area, or one that is nationally known for its service excellence. Some examples are Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland; Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio; Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts; or Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. You may use the organizations website, latest annual report, or other reports found on their website, to locate information needed for this task.


A. Discuss how one legislative, social, or economic event impacted the growth of your chosen organization.

B. Compare your chosen organizations mission statement and value statements to services provided to the community.

1. Explain how your chosen organization promotes current or future quality improvement initiatives.

C. Interpret trends and future development of your chosen organization by doing the following:

1. Analyze how your chosen organization uses health informatics technologies to impact its healthcare delivery.

2. Evaluate how your chosen organization uses emerging trends in technology to support its projects and initiatives.

D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: When bulleted points are present in the task prompt, the level of detail or support called for in the rubric refers to those bulleted points.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.

Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the General Instructions section.

The above is the first section


The healthcare ecosystem is influenced by external forces in the form of government regulations, accreditation standards, and federal legislation. These regulations and legislation are components of federal government programs and bring with them directives that may impact the economics of healthcare.

As greater numbers of healthcare organizations implement information systems across the United States, a seamless exchange of health information may provide consumers with a higher quality of care, improvement in patient access, and more efficient control of the cost of healthcare services. The healthcare ecosystem is one of continuous change, and health informatics is supporting many of the changes.


A. Analyze one federal government payer program initiative or legislative initiative making an impact on todays healthcare ecosystem.

1. Evaluate how your chosen initiative is impacted by licensure, certification, or accreditation standards.

2. Expain how your chosen initiative influences each of the following:

a. Clinical quality

b. Reimbursement

c. Patient access

B. Evaluate how health informatics plays a part in your chosen initiative by discussing the following:

1. The role of the health informatics professional

2. How your chosen initiative has an impact on the health informatics workforce.

C. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: When bulleted points are present in the task prompt, the level of detail or support called for in the rubric refers to those bulleted points.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.

Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the General Instructions section.


Health Eco-system


            Whenever one thinks about a system, what comes to mind is a set of interconnected parts that function in sync to enable proper functioning of an entire component. The eco-system therefore refers to a set of interconnected parts within the environment, which together promote and enable proper functioning of the environment. Health eco-system refers to the general outlook of the healthcare sector including all of the aspects that make up the system. One aspect of the health eco-system that is very distinct is the dynamism in the sector (Hoyt, 2007). This means that the sector keeps changing every so often. This is as result of various factors that affect and influence the health eco-system. The focus of this discussion is some of the factors that affect health eco-system and the extent of the effect. In order to expand this discussion Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore Maryland is the organization chosen

Key Factors

            The main factors that influence dynamism within the healthcare ecosystem include legal, social and economic factors. One of the main areas of investment that Johns Hopkins Medicine has invested in is medical research. Medical researches form the backbone of the medical field as they help to build up on the existing knowledge (Hoyt, 2007). This helps to keep at bay any recent diseases that have merged. In conducting medical researches, there are certain procedures that must be followed. In recent years, the federal government has stepped in to regulate the manner in which medical researched are to be conducted. This is after it was found that there are numerous cases of unethical practices among medical researches. As such, more stringent measures have imposed in bid to ensure that all medical researches toe the line and comply. The stringent measures have in effect put a strain to all the medical institutions that engage in research. This is one of the legal aspects that has influenced the functioning of Johns Hopkins Medicine.

            The other aspect is the economy of the country. Although such a medical facility concerns itself solely with medical issues, it does not exist in isolation. This means that when the economy is affected positively or negatively, the medical field also experiences the ripple effect. The facilities that medical facilities use are directly affected by the economy (Hovenga, 2014). For example, currently, the cost of healthcare services in America is at an all time is high. What has always been considered as basic essential is no longer seen to be that way. Although there are many factors that have contributed to the rising cost in healthcare, one of the main factors is the state of the economy. A facility such as Johns Hopkins has been forced to increase rates at which they offer their medical services. This has seen quite a large number of people that would have previously been served locked out. This is because they can longer afford the services offered. However, in an attempt to ensure that as much as possible all needs of patients are catered for; medical facilities are now teaming up. By teaming up, they benefit from economies of scale, which will have the effect of reducing the cost of operation (Hoyt, 2007). This is one of the ways that the overall cost of health services will be brought down.

            Johns Hopkins has also partnered with the government, a trend that has been followed by other medical facilities. Medical facilities have now taken up the trend of bringing the government on board so as to reach a middle ground. The middle ground is meant to ensure that the entire cost of operation is subsided to allow for reduction of cost. The social factor that has influenced the manner in which the facility operates is the increased demand for health facilities. In the past, majority of people did not seek health services until they fall sick. However, most people are now informed and go for regular checkups. In addition, there is also the aspect of lifestyle diseases that have increased the number of people seeking medical services. The awareness which the society now have regarding the importance of making use of health facilities has seen a strain in majority of medical facilities. Facilities can no longer accommodate the large number of people (Nelson, 2013). This has brought about the need for medical facilities to look for alternative methods through which they can meet the needs of all people. Use of technology such as e-platforms is one such way intended to reduce the large number of traffic of patients.

Mission and Vision Statement

            The main guideline of the institutions is to combine care of patients with teaching and research. To ensure that they remain within their vision and mission statement, the institution has endeavored to conduct researches that have in effect benefited patients. Care of patients remains as part of top priority of all issues that they deal with. Continued researches while partnering with other like-minded organizations is all geared towards achieving the vision and mission statement of the facility (Nelson, 2013).

            The facility has also extensively used technology to achieve its vision and mission. For example, the researches that are conducted by the institutions makes use of modern technology. This is to ensure that the facility is in tandem with the dynamism of the field. Use of social networking sites and online services is yet another method that Johns Hopkins has embraced technology. The entire system within the facility has fully embraced technology. This has enabled it to be fully linked with other institutions.

Task 2

            As aforementioned, there are various factors, majority of which are external which influence the health ecosystem. One such factor is government regulations. Since President Obama came into power in 2008, there are various government regulations regarding the healthcare system that have been put in place. They have had an effect either positively or negatively (Conrick, 2009). The most conspicuous of them all is the Obama Healthcare Bill, which has sparked a lot of controversy. Although the bill is believed to have a lot of good intentions, it has been heavily opposed due to the cost. It is believed that it will push the cost of health care services even higher. This is in consideration of health care service are presently not affordable. Looking at the bill entirely, one is convinced that the intentions are good. However, it also has the effect of increasing the number of people who cannot afford basic health care services. Therefore although clinical quality is seen to go up, patient access has been reduced and so has reimbursement.

Health Informatics Professional

            Health informatics professionals play a very crucial role in the analysis of the health eco-system. Their work involves comparing the current state of affairs in the health sector and the future. As part of the analysis, health informatics also give recommendations on the way forward. This is after taking into consideration all the pertinent factors that are likely to affect the health sector. As aforementioned, the health sector is very dynamic. There are new diseases that emerge every day (Hovenga, 2014). As such, it is important to find a permanent method through which they can be controlled and contained. That is the main business that health informatics concern themselves with. The impact of health informatics has been felt in John Hopkins Medicine over time. There are improved services owing to the continuous research. In addition, patient satisfaction is said to have gone up significantly. The role of health informatics is one that cannot be undermined. They act as a bridge between the services provided currently by medical facilities and the unmet needs of all stakeholders.

            The role of health informatics professional has been felt throughout the health care industry. Some of the crucial roles that health informatics play includes proving relevant information that will be used in both research and recommendation. This information is then used to help people in society improve on their health. The information provided by the professionals also comes in handy for clinicians. Due to the dynamism of the field, clinicians require updated information to help them conduct reliable researches. This information is made available to them by the health informatics.

            The field of health informatics professionals is quite vast. This means that besides the analysis and provision of crucial information, these professionals can also double up as technical. This role would include designing and development of applications that can be used in the health sector. They can also specialize in consultancy and entrepreneurship, all geared towards proving lasting solutions to the healthcare sector (Conrick, 2009). It is also the role of health informatics professional to ensure quality through regular inspection and proper advice. Quality within the healthcare system goes to the very core of the practice. Without quality, patient satisfaction cannot be achieved.

            Development of policies also falls within the duties of health informatics professionals. Based on the information that they have gathered over time, the professionals can provide insight on the boundaries and guidelines that can guide the sector. In policymaking, the professionals will engage and involve other stakeholders within the sector. This will ensure that all the needs and concerns that arise from time to time within the sector are comprehensively addressed.


            The dynamism of the medical field is one that has increased over the years. This is so much because of the increase in the number of people seeking health services. It is therefore important to ensure the various components that make the health ecosystem are in sync with one another. For any eco-system to function properly, it is important that all aspects are in sync. Therefore in health ecosystem, the health informatics work closely with other professionals in the field. The combined efforts of all the parties ensure that the projected goals are achieved. The vision and mission of Johns Hopkins cannot be achieved without collaborative efforts of all the parties. It is therefore of great importance that the collaboration of all the stakeholders in the health sector remains firm. In so doing, the projected goals will be achieved.


Conrick, M. (2009). Health informatics. London: Sage

Hoyt, R. (2007). Medical informatics: practical guide for the healthcare professional. London: Sage

Hovenga, E. (2014). Global health informatics education. New York: Prentice Hall.

Nelson, R. (2013). Health informatics: an interprofessional approach. California: Springer