“Ethics” Please respond to the following:
Using the cardinal rules of medical ethics as a base, design a policy that you would
implement as an administrator of a health care organization(s) for both public health and
health services. Discuss any differences in your policy and rationale.
Prioritize the major impediments to quality health services and discuss the possible
solutions for the first two, along with ethical implications.
“The Future” Please respond to the following:
America is faced with many challenges in the area of health care. Determine what you
deem to be the most challenging issues (ranking at least three of them) and speculate
whether or not you think America will be able to tackle that challenge by the year 2020.
Elaborate on your thinking.
Consider the health care system in America and compare this system to the health care
system of another country (provide a high-level view). Determine the biggest disparity
between the two and state which one you deem to be more effective with supporting


As an administrator, a health and public health services policy should focus on
eliminating the principal impediments and barriers to affordable and quality health services. All
health care professionals should realize that affordable and quality healthcare is vital for
everyone (James et al., 2008). However, there are barriers that hinder reception of effective
medical services. The policy will focus on addressing the following;

  1. No or limited insurance, and patients who have lost income, which mean they might lose
    medical insurance.
  2. Long waiting times in rooms.
  3. Uncertainty of the state of medical bills’ funding
  4. Literacy and language
  5. Cultural beliefs
  6. Negative experiences with the medical staff

The policy will recognize that every patient has unique and diverse barrier to the services.
There will be a focus of building and maintaining trust between patients and medical care
providers. In addition, communication will be enhanced as well as feedback mechanisms so that
all issues are clarified (James et al., 2008). This will ensure that the professionals understand
patients personally and offer services in the best way they can.
It is important to ensure that the cardinal medical ethics principles form the policy’s
foundation. To ensure everything is done ethically, professionals will be required to adhere to the
following principles; non-maleficence, beneficence, justice, and autonomy. When making
decisions, patients will be free from coaxing and coercion, that is, they will have autonomy of
action, intention, and thought. Scarce resources will be distributed fairly and any potential
conflicts addressed in time. Respecting the principles will ensure that patients receive the best
possible care.

The future

Challenges; issues regarding healthcare reform have presently gained escalating
attention and are ranked high on the existing public policy concerns’ list in America. There are
three central challenges that face the American healthcare system; increasing medical care costs,
the growing masses of citizens lack health insurance, and the proposed alternatives plans for
health care that have been a source of major differences.
The three challenges discussed are unlikely to be solved by the year 2020. This is because
these challenges trace back to two concerns; creating a healthcare system that guarantees all
residents and citizens access to health care insurance and containing the large cost increases
(Wolfe, 2012). Definitely, behind these concerns is the question regarding how the largest
industry in the nations that richly rewards and serves many powerful interests can be reformed.

In addition, there are no adequate assessments in the system to assess what should be maintained
or changed.
As far as health care reforms are concerned, America can adopt the Canadian system as a
potent model. The health care systems in America and Canada vary greatly. While Canada
possesses a single-payer system that is mostly funded publicly, America has a multi-payer and
heavily private system (Wolfe, 2012). Canada offers universal access for the citizens although
one in every five non-elderly citizens are uninsured. Canada uses less GDP on health care but
performs better in life expectancy and infant mortality rate. The greatest disparity in the health
care systems of the two countries is spending. The Canadian system is far much more effective
as it has better outcomes, and considering that the cultures in America and Canada are almost
similar, America can adopt Canada’s system.



James, A. S., Hall, S., Greiner, K., Buckles, D., Born, W. K., & Ahluwalia, J. S. (2008). The
impact of socioeconomic status on perceived barriers to colorectal cancer testing.
American Journal of Health Promotion, 23(2), 97-100.
Wolfe, B. L. (2012). Changing the US health care system: how difficult will it be?