Question 1.(a) Why is it necessary to critique research literature? Justify your rationale.
Question 1.(b).What is the difference between summarizing and critiquing an article?
Present supportive details in your explanation.
please use three ref including GORDIS LEON. EPIDEMIOLOGY 5TH ED.( This is the
text book given by the school ). No cover sheet or heading needed. Please indicate ref.
separate for each question.
Why is it necessary to critique research literature? Justify your rationale.
Literature critique is normally an extension of interpretation whose main purpose is to
make good judgments on a certain work. The reader gets an interpretation of work and he is able
to get the relevant historical or biographical information. Generally the reader is enriched with
good understanding of the literacy work (Green, Freedman, & Gordis, 2000).
Through literature critics, the reader is able to identify whether the title of the essays or
the research paper accurately describes the article. A good title should well describe the main
concepts, the methods and variables of the article. Criticizing a research paper also helps to
identify whether the article represents the article and whether the theoretical frame work is
described (Grove, 1993). Critics of a literature review help the reader to know whether the
literature review is relevant to the study. The following question is answered by critiques on
literature review: Is the analytical approach reliable with the study questions and research
strategy? It is important to make a critique on literature review to understand the literacy work
well (Green, Freedman, & Gordis, 2000).
What is the difference between summarizing and critiquing an article? Present
supportive details in your explanation.
A summary normally restates what one has read in his / her own words and it never
Running Head: epidemiology
misrepresents what one reads. It normally presents only the main points and details and
maintains a neutral and objective stance. A summary does not use details which are irrelevant
and unnecessary or analyze what has being read. It does not also evaluate what one read.
Critique on the other side moves beyond summary and it assess what one has read. It offers
interpretations and judgments of what one has read and gives evidence to support the evaluation.
It neither restates what one has read, nor covers only the main points like a summary (Cohen-
Mansfield, 2001). For example a research an HIV research will have its summary based on
mostly the HIV virus and AIDS. The critique on the other hand will involve so many things, if
necessary the causes the effects the control and the prevention in details.
Running Head: epidemiology
Cohen-Mansfield, J. (2001). Nonpharmacologic interventions for inappropriate behaviors in
dementia: a review, summary, and critique. The American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry, 9(4), 361-381.
Green, M. D., Freedman, D. M., & Gordis, L. (2000). Reference guide on epidemiology.
Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, 2, 638.
Grove, S. K. (1993). The practice of nursing research.