Employee team work and motivation

Case Assignment
Think about an experience you have had where you felt extremely motivated. Then, in a 5-
page paper, analyze this experience according to the Kolb format below. Each subtitle
represents a different section of the paper. You can use the subtitles as headings.
Introduction: Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write
this section after you have written the rest of the paper.
Concrete Experience: Begin with a specific situation/event. Describe the experience where
you felt extremely motivated. Be objective and focus on just the facts: who, what, where,
when, and how – similar to how a newspaper article is written — as if you were composing a
newspaper article.
Reflective Observation: Reflect upon that experience from the multiple perspectives of
other people involved or affected in the experience. Step back from the situation, look at
the experience from your own viewpoint, and the viewpoints of all other parties involved or
affected. You want to look at the circumstances surrounding the experience from every
relevant perspective. Why was the experience motivating to you? What did others do that
increased your motivation? Was the situation (or would the situation) also be motivating to
others? (Note: Your discussion of theories and models from your module materials belongs

in the following section.)
Abstract Conceptualization: Use critical thinking skills in order to understand and
interpret the experience at a deeper, more generalizable level. Interpret and understand
the events you have described by drawing on the concepts, theories, and models in the
background material from this module. What behavior patterns can you identify in
yourself and others that are similar to the ones described in the material on motivation,
values, and/or goals? How do these concepts and principles explain why you were
motivated? What general principles of motivation can you derive from this analysis? Be
sure to cite all references to concepts, ideas, and quotes you use that come from any outside
source. Be sure to apply at least three concepts, theories, and/or models and cite all
references to concepts, ideas, and/or quotes that you use from any outside source.
[This Abstract Conceptualization section is the “heart” of your paper. Using critical
thinking skills, provide a clear, specific discussion on the logic, theories, and models and
how they apply to your experience.]
Active Experimentation: Identify ways to respond to the next occurrence of a similar
experience. How are you going to put what you have learned to use? How will you use this
knowledge to motivate yourself and others? What actions will you take to create a work
environment that is motivating?
Conclusion: Sum up the main points of your analysis and the key learnings you are taking
from it.
Reference List: List all references that you have cited in the paper using APA formatting.
References include materials from the required background readings as well as any outside
Internet or library sources you used in researching and writing your paper.



The topic of my paper is: Employee team work and motivation. I will approach the topic
by describing an event which involved teamwork and how it was a motivating factor. I will begin
by describing an experience which felt me feeling motivated. I will then give a reflective
observation of the experience through which I will emphasize on how teamwork acted as a
motivating factor. Abstract conceptualization will come next in which I will apply various
theories and concept concerning motivation and teamwork. Lastly, I will focus on active
experimentation which will focus on the knowledge I have acquired from the experience and
how I will use this knowledge to motivate myself and others.
Concrete experience

It was on a normal Monday morning at the Mercy Hospital where I was on an internship
program for my degree in nursing. The day kicked off with a buzz of activities as client arrived
and left the hospital. The day went on without any serious accidents or events that required
urgent medical attention. However, the atmosphere at the hospital changed at around 5pm when
several ambulances arrived at the hospital carrying injured patients. A bus carrying campers had
been involved in a serious road accident with a personal car. The survivors were rushed into the
emergency room and all the nurses were called upon to give first aid to the patients before they
were attended to.
Most of the nurses had however gone home after completing their morning shift and the
task was left to the few remaining nurses and interns. We joined forces and worked tirelessly to
ensure that the patients survived. Our efforts were greatly rewarded as all the patients survived.

The hospital director was pleased with our efforts and sacrifices. Despite having completed our
morning shifts, we had stayed behind to help save the lives of the injured patients. He personally
congratulated all the people who had offered any kind of help during the crisis. He also gave
each one of us a small token of appreciation.

Reflective observation

This event greatly motivated me because several reasons. First, the team work among the
nurses, intern nurses and doctors at the hospital was a great motivation. The event had showed
me how easier it is to achieve goals through teamwork. Through our joined efforts we were able
to save the lives of the survivors. Another thing that motivated me was how the hospital’s
director acknowledged and appreciated our efforts. He personally congratulated all of us and
offered us a small token of appreciation. This move from the director greatly motivated me to
give my best as an intern at the hospital. It also motivated me to selflessly volunteer during any
event and activity at the hospital.
My motivation was increased by my colleagues’ efforts and sacrifice during the event.
The nurses and intern nurses whose shift was over opted to stay behind and help save the lives of
the injured patients. They motivated me to always be ready to assist anyone who needed my help
at anytime. They also motivated me through their joint efforts in fighting for the patients’
survival. I was able to see that through teamwork goals can be achieved more easily and
efficiently and this encouraged me to develop teamwork.
The situation was also motivating to others who helped during the event. The director’s
acknowledgement of their efforts and sacrifice was a great motivation to them. They were happy

when the director personally congratulated them and offered them tokens of appreciation. This
was a great motivation to them as they all put more dedication and hard work to their jobs.

Abstract conceptualization

Edwin Locke goal-setting theory of motivation proposes five major principles of goal
setting. The principles include: clarity, commitment, challenge, task complexity and feedback
(Locke and Latham, 2013). A goal that is clear and measurable is more attainable compared to
one that is inadequately defined. In addition, one should be committed to achieving the goal A
goal should also have some level of difficulty so that one can work hard to achieve it. One
should also have enough time to complete a difficult goal. Lastly, a person is needs to set up a
way to get feedback on their progress towards their goal. Based Edwin Locke’s theory, my
colleagues and I displayed commitment to achieving our goal of saving the patients’ lives.
Through our commitment we were able to achieve our goals and all the patients survived.
Through conducting the Hawthorne experiments, Elton Mayo came up with a conclusion
on factors that motivated employees. He established that psychological conditions motivated
more as compared to physical working conditions (Luthans, 2015). The following factors
according to Elton Mayo played a huge role in motivating employees: psychological contract,
teamwork, interest in workers, recognition of workers, social aspect of work and finally,
communication. In the event that took place teamwork played a huge role in motivating my
colleagues and me. Through teamwork, we were able to establish a strong working relationship
based on trust afterward
Henri Fayol is accredited for developing the 14 principles of management that are
fundamental for successful management. These principles provide a guideline for decision

making and greatly influence the management actions in any organizations (Shafritz, Ott and
Jang, 2015). The 14 management principles are: division of work, authority, discipline, unity of
direction, unity of command, subordination of individual interest, centralization, remuneration,
order, scalar chain, stability of tenure of personnel, equity, initiative and lastly, team spirit.
During the event, we applied the principle of teamwork by coordinated our efforts in saving the
lives of the patients. Through team work, we were able to successfully save the lives of all the
According to Fredrick Herzberg’s two factor theory, the two factors that influence
motivation and satisfaction of employees are hygiene factors and motivators (Alshmemri,
Shahwan-Akl, and Maude, 2017). Hygiene factors are factors whose absence can cause lack of
motivation and dissatisfaction. Motivators are factors that cause make employees feel motivated
to work harder. In this case, my colleagues and I were motivated to work harder by the directors’
recognition of our efforts and sacrifice and his small taken of appreciation.

Active experimentation

There are several ways through which I will respond to the incident of a similar
experience. First, I will selflessly volunteer to do anything to save the lives of the patients. As a
nurse it is my duty to do everything to save and preserve human life. Therefore, I will put my full
dedication and efforts in ensuring that the patients’ lives are saved. Another way that I will
respond to a similar event is by mobilizing all my colleagues to work together. I will explain to
them on how teamwork helped in saving the lives of many patients in a similar event in the past.
Moreover, I will encourage the patients by talking to them and reassuring them that the situation

is under control and everything will be fine. Lastly, I will talk to the patients’ relatives and give
them reassurance that their loved ones are in safe hands, and they should not be worried about
I am going to put what I have learned into various uses. I will carry out all my duties as a
nurse diligently and dedicatedly. I will also educate other medical practitioners on the
importance of teamwork in the field of medicine. This will lead to the development of teamwork
in medical centers which will ensure that patients get efficient treatment and care. I will use the
knowledge that I have gained to motivate myself and others in a number of ways. First, I will use
this knowledge to motivate myself and others to always be dedicated to our duties and goals in
life. Another way that I will use this knowledge is by developing the spirit of teamwork in other
people and me. I will share the event’s story with others to motivate them to cultivate teamwork
with those they are working with either at their workplace or outside their work environment.
I will take a number of measures in ensuring that I create a motivating work environment.
First, I will share words of encouragement with my colleagues whenever they are going through
hardships in their work. I will also show my colleagues that I care about them by small gestures
such as helping them with their tasks whenever they are tired or need assistance. Lastly, I will
assist other interns in learning the practical skills and procedures that are important to the nursing
profession. This will in turn motivate them in their studies by making it easier for them to
understand the practical aspect in nursing.



Employee teamwork not only serves as a motivating factor but also helps in building
strong relationships and trust. Through teamwork, employees combine their efforts to ensure that
the goals of an organization are achieved. Teamwork is a very important factor in the medical
field. This is because it results to joint efforts by all medical practitioners which in turn better
and improved treatment and care for all patients. Teamwork can be cultivated by employees at
the workplace through encouraging, caring and assisting their colleagues.



Alshmemri, M., Shahwan-Akl, L., & Maude, P. (2017). Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory.
Life Science Journal, 14(5).
Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (Eds.). (2013). New developments in goal setting and task
performance. Routledge.
Luthans, F., Luthans, B. C., & Luthans, K. W. (2015). Organizational behavior: An
evidence-based approach. IAP.
Shafritz, J. M., Ott, J. S., & Jang, Y. S. (2015). Classics of organization theory. Cengage