Emotional Transformation

Your personal comments on how this practical related to your own experience.
2- Relevance of practical in a counselling/psychotherapy context. (Use theory from the lectures, textbooks,
and practical to comment here)

Practical Assessment Exercises
Practical topic/ week (please specify): Week 4 – The motivation to help

  1. The aim of the practical

The aim of this practical was to enable each student to understand his or her own needs in regards to what
motivates him/her so that they can be able to improve their personal and professional life. This practical
allowed students to reflect on their own needs and accept them whilst identifying how these needs impact
their interactions with other people.

The materials used. 73 words

The materials used in this practical included an extract from Corey and Gerard (1993) “Are the helping
professions for you?” This handout was a course reading for the students involved in this practical and they
were asked to read and become familiar with the material prior to attending the practical. Instructions and
questions which were provided to the students either on the university website or in class were also utilised in
this practical.

The procedure followed in the practical. 252 words
Prior to the practical, students were asked to read Corey and Gerard (1993) “Are the helping professions for
you?” The first task of this practical was for the students to individually list their personal needs which would
motivate them to help others in a professional and personal setting. This list would become Data 1 of this
practical; students drew a line under this list in preparation for more data. Students were then instructed to
discuss in small groups their needs and to list down any additional needs that were raised in this group
discussion. This additional list would become Data 2 and students once again drew a line underneath said list
in preparation for the final data. One member from each group was asked to read out their lists to the class
whilst the students recorded down any new needs to their lists. Lastly, this created Data 3 and an overall class
Individual students were later directed to think of real or imaginary situations where they may have been
asked for help. They were subsequently instructed to identify what needs affected these interactions and
discuss with others how these needs may have positively or negatively impacted the formulated situations.
The final task involved students individually creating a brief description of themselves regarding their abilities
as a helper and what needs were required to motivate them to help. Students then discussed methods that
could potentially assist them to be a better helper and what needs must become a higher or lower priority.
The outcomes. 166 words
There were several outcomes of the practical. Data set 1 was written down and it included the unique personal
needs of students which would motivate them to help other people in a professional and personal setting.
Other additional needs of the students which were discussed in small groups were also written down, which
comprised Data set 2. In addition, Data set 3 was written down which comprised any new needs of the
students after they listened to a member from each group read out their needs aloud in class.

In the groups, we were able to gain a better understanding of what our own needs are, along with how our
needs can affect the professional industry. We recorded data on how our individual specific needs could
influence our abilities to connect with a client considering that in various situations, clients could feel that
their needs are not being satisfied which can mean that the client can feel a lack of confidence and
competence by the counsellor.

Your personal comments on how this practical related to your own experience. 442 words
This practical related to my own experience since it enabled me to understand the needs that were evident in
me; that is, the need to provide answers to others, the need to be needed, and the need to rescue other people,
which are among the types of needs that Corey and Corey (1993) identified as being the needs that therapists
need. In my own personal experience generally, there are some instances in which some people with their own
personal problems and difficulties in life came to me to assist them find a solution to their problems and
resolve their issues. In such situations, I really felt needed as these individuals relied on me to help provide
answers to their problem. In particular, there was a situation about 14 months ago whereby one friend of mine
who was very much depressed following the divorce of her parents sought help from me. This person came to
me to help her relieve her depression. I felt needed by this individual. Furthermore, I felt the need to give
answers to this individual. Equally important, I felt the need to rescue this person so that she is no longer
depressed by the disheartening divorce of her parents.
The needs have allowed me to realise the influence they have to my daily life, regarding friendships,
relationships and my future. For instance, these needs have made me understand how, in future, I can be of
help to individuals including close friends and relatives in need of counselling and how I can employ my
expertise and know-how to a given situation and help a person who needs me to resolve his or her problem
In addition, these needs are vital in my day to day life as the need to be needed and the need to provide
answers are the most important needs which I place within my friendships and my own self worth. These
needs have always been relevant in my life and will fundamentally be needs that I will extensively utilize in
my future career as a counsellor. I must be able to provide to my own needs as well as my clients’.
By focusing on the need to be needed there are many advantages. For instance, there is the satisfaction which
I feel after helping someone resolve a problem successfully. It is also a rewarding feeling to know that I am a
positive influence in improving a relationship or making a relationship better. All in all, feeling appreciated
for the help given is great. However, there are harms when the need to be needed overcomes the needs of the
client by feeling dependent of feeling appreciated.

Relevance of practical in a counselling/psychotherapy context. (Use theory from the lectures,
textbooks, and practical to comment here) 461 words

The lecture was based on the concept of the Johari window. The Johari window comprises four different
quadrants which are the open self/arena, blind spot, facade and the unknown self (Lim & Jamil, 2013). By
having a clear understanding about the Johari window, it became evident that addressing a client’s needs is
extremely important. Corey and Corey (1993) describe several needs including the need to be needed, the
need to provide answers, the need to rescue others and the need to have prestige and status. A counsellor must
be able to assist his or her clients using the most appropriate strategies in order to help them make progress.
For example, Corey and Corey (1993) talked about the need to have prestige and status. This need is purely
based on having hopes of acquiring a certain level of prestige, or a certain level of income. The need to have
prestige and status is also by enhancing one’s status by attending seminars and training programmes in order
to update their expertise in the counselling and psychotherapy field (Corey & Corey, 1993). By the counsellor
significantly involving their own insight and their own efforts, a new behaviour can help solve the problem
and help the client in need (Gerner, 2016).
A therapist should have knowledge of the needs as this will allow him or her to provide counselling that meets
the client’s needs and effectively helps to resolve the problem or issue which the client has. Every person has
fundamental emotional needs and the therapist should seek to meet the client’s needs for intimacy and
attention outside of the therapy room (Carrick, 2014). The client will feel dependent on the therapist if the

therapist does not actively encourage the client and help him or her to satisfy basic needs for intimacy and
attention outside of their therapy with the therapist. It is worth mentioning that a level of emotional
dependency and neediness is unavoidable for psychotherapy to become effective. Even so, this does not mean
that the vast majority of clients who seek therapy are willing or keen on becoming emotionally dependent and
needy (Pompeo & Levitt, 2014).
Actually, a major issue which usually arises during therapy is resistance. In spite of the significant pain which
they might be feeling as well as sort of desperate hopelessness which at last forces them to look for
professional assistance, a lot of clients do not want to become needy or dependent on the counsellor (Timulak
2014). If a therapist has a knowledge of needs, he/she will inform the client that it is OK to feel needy as this
helps to develop a steady relationship with the therapist that will allow the therapist to provide effective
counselling to help the client solve his/her own problems (Carrick, 2014).

Marks Section


Carrick, L. (2014). Person-centred counsellors’ experiences of working with clients in crisis: A qualitative
interview study.
Corey, M. S., & Corey. G. (1993). Becoming a helper. In M. S. Corey, & G. Corey, Becoming a helper (pp. 3-
Gerner, B. (2016). Lecture Notes.
Pompeo, A. M., & Levitt, D. H. (2014). A Path of Counselor Self-Awareness. Counseling & Values, 59(1), 80-
Timulak, L. (2014). Witnessing Clients’ Emotional Transformation: An Emotion-Focused Therapist’s
Experience of Providing Therapy. Journal Of Clinical Psychology, 70(8), 741-752.