Diabetes Patient Care Meta-analysis Article Critique

Diabetes Patient Care Meta-analysis Article Critique

Global diabetes prevalence is drastically increasing making it a public health concern.
However, the greater challenge arises from the fact that, irrespective of this global trend in
diabetes prevalence, there is no cure for the disease and it’s usually controlled through self-
management which calls for patient empowerment. This meta-analysis study under critique
evaluates the perception of diabetes patients towards self-management, and the objective of
this critical critique is to provide a critical quality appraisal of the study.

A critical quality appraisal of this meta-analysis study reveals that the results were both
quality and valid because of the author’s previous experience and conducting of various
measurements using tools such as an adapted version of the CASP, a meta-ethnographic
approach, as well as constructing different mindsets for the lines-of-argument’s inference
consideration. The study data was collected and evaluated through seven steps that conform
to what is normally accepted and a systematic search was carried out in the Medline and
CINAHL databases. The study review was conducted through an iterative reading of each
article on basis of four central metaphors that influenced diabetes patients’ empowerment, but
only one reviewer was involved although two independent reviewers are recommended.
The results of the study were nine qualitative studies where four, three, one and one were
intervention studies; culture-specific barriers’ related; diabetes patient self-management
factors; and psychological distress respectively. In total, 197 diabetics were interviewed in
the studies reviewed and included mostly aged between 50 and 69 years. However, this
strength of the meta-analysis study can be construed as a limitation since neither refutation
nor reciprocal translation was possible. No actual statistical analysis was done meaning there
was no confidence level considered, but various lines-of-argument synthesis were employed
to achieve the aim of the study. The obtained results are applicable to patients care since their

concerns and needs provided an insight into holistic diabetes care, thus it led to revelation of
different elements of diabetics’ empowerment strategies for improved self-management.

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