Defining Patient Safety and Quality Care

Directions to Retrieve Articles from AHRQ Website (6 steps)

1. Type the acronym AHRQ in any Web search engine, such as Google or Yahoo, and then click on engines search function or press enter on your keyboard.

2. Find AHRQ homepage on the search results.

3. Type publication number 08-0043 into the AHRQ query box and click on Search”.

4. On the next screen, select Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses.

4. On the next screen, select Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses.

5. This screen will appear; scroll down to Contents to view individual articles.

6. Select two articles of interest from Contents, and proceed with the assignment below.


I am being asked to go to the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research and read two articles.

After selecting the articles, discuss the two articles that you read from the Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses website.

Give the title and the URL address for each article. How is the information in each article applicable to nursing practice?

How might a nurse promote the information from this website in their practice setting?

Directions to retrieve articles from AHRQ Website

            The first article was written by Mitchell, P. H. and is entitled, ‘Defining Patient Safety and Quality Care.’ Patient safety eventually defines the quality of health care received. Quality indicators are defined by negative components such as dissatisfaction, discomfort, disability, disease, and death. Quality care is equitable, efficient, timely, patient centered, effective, and safe. In their practice setting, nurses have a vital position which they can use to improve healthcare quality through strategies and interventions that promote patient safety (Mitchell, 2011).  Nurses should prevent errors, and learn from previous errors. Nurses should be keen on technical, organizational system, active, and latent failures. In their practice settings, nurses should strive to offer equitable, efficient, timely, patient centered, effective, and safe care. There is a need to include all healthcare professionals so as to promote patient satisfaction. Nurses should avoid errors through using bar coding, simulators, crew resource management, and physician order entries that are computerized (Mitchell, 2011).

            The second article, ‘Nurses at the ‘sharp end’ of patient care’ was written by Hughes, R. G. there is a need for reforms on systems and organizations rather than placing nurses on the sharp end. For better quality and safety, the best strategy should be identified and there should be willingness to alter it in case of any changes (Hughes, 2012). The two can improve if there is appropriate work environment, patient-centered care, collaboration and teamwork, evidence-based practice, and a safety culture. Nurses should strive to identify care complexity and the manner in which several factors come together at particular times and lead to adverse events and errors (Hughes, 2012). Thereafter, nurses can involve other members of the healthcare team to uses evidence and data to improve safety and quality of care continuously, regardless of the complicated challenges.

References Hughes, R. G. (2012). Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses (Chapter 2: Nurses at the ‘Shard End’ of Patient Care.