Use current resource less than 5yrs.
Select two of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior.
Think about how the factors might impact the diagnosis and prescription of treatment for
diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.
Write an explanation of the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.
Describe the differences and similarities between resulting alterations of hormonal
regulation. Then explain how the factors you selected might impact the diagnosis and
prescription of treatment for these two types of diabetes.


Different patient factors affect may impact on the diagnosis and prescription of treatment
of diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Example of these factors includes, gender, ethnicity,
age, genetics and behaviors. Diabetes inspidus is a condition where by kidney is unable to
conserve water and is characterized with excess volume of severely diluted urine and excessive
thirst (Mayo clinic, 2014). On the other hand, diabetes mellitus is cognition where the sugar
levels are high in the blood. Diabetes mellitus is more common compared to diabetes inspidus
(Mayo clinic, 2014).
Causes, symptoms, treatment as well as prognosis of these two diseases differ. The two
patient factors likely to impact on the diagnosis and prescription of treatment of these two
diseases is the genetics and the age of the patient. Families that have an individual that has
suffered from these diseases should go for diagnosis as chances of suffering from the same are
higher age a so is a factor in the diagnosis of these two diseases. Even though the disease cuts
across all age group, is more exhibited in adults. There is no cure of diabetes mellitus but can be
managed by keeping level of blood glucose low, or through insulin injection, exercise and eating
balanced diet. On the other side, diabetes inspidus is treated by desmopressin, indomethacin or
diuretic hydrochlorothiazide (Mayo clinic, 2014).

When it comes to pathophysiology, urine production regulation happens in hypothalamus
that produces ADH found in the paraventricualr and supraoptic nuclei. Upon synthesis,
hormones are transported to the neurosecretory granules and stored in pituitary glands awaiting
later release (Mayo clinic, 2014). Hypothalamus also regulates sensation of the person thirst.
Central diabetes inspidus, a category of diabetes inspidus diseases is caused because of lack of
production of vasopressin in the brain because of a range of reasons.
In type 2 diabetes, there is either insulin resistance or production of inadequate amounts
of insulin to meet the body demands. In case of resistance, triglycerides cells are broken down
to produce fatty acids that later turn into energy that increase glucose levels in the body,
reducing the level of glycogen stored . Insulin resistance is caused by lack of physical activity
and obesity. Alteration of hormonal regulation is diabetes inspidus is brought by alteration in the
system for regulating kidney (Mayo clinic, 2014). This is done through the hypothalamus that
produces antidiuretic hormone (ADH). While when it comes diabetes mellitus glucose levels are
regulated through the production of insulin. The similarities are that alteration of this normal
regulation either triggers positive or negative effects on the health of an individual.



Mayo clinic. (2014). Diabetes mellitus and inspidus.