Preventing and controlling healthcare associated infections

You are required to do a 15 minute presentation
Preventing and controlling healthcare associated infections is a primary focus in all peripheral and central venous access device practice.
The hospital is currently rolling out modifications to both peripheral and central venous access devices practices inclusive of Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT).
You are required to do a 15 minute presentation on how you would support the Clinical Nurse Consultant- Vascular Access Devices- to coordinate this roll out and facilitate practice change.
Your work should include:
� What you think are the main principles of ANTT that staff would require to know to be able to facilitate this practice change.
� Why it is important to include ANTT in every day practice

Community Oriented Policing
The history of American policing dates back many centuries ago and revolves around the 9 principles developed by Sir Robert Peel, which are known as Peelian principles (Grant & Terry, 2008). The work of the police is dangerous and extremely hard. It, however, started as simply an ordinary person without experience walking around a particular area or a block with a notepad and a torch to keep track of occurrences (Grant & Terry, 2008). Now, the task is really transformed with rules and principles that require people to wear uniform and be capable of working under pressure in both unmarked and marked vehicles. In the 1800’s, policies were not as structured as is the case today, and this makes the 9 principles developed by Sir Robert Peel so common today (Grant & Terry, 2008). The principles have impacted significantly on policing in America. This paper looks at three of these principles by stating them, providing a real-world case to demonstrate the principle, stating whether I completely agree with the principle, and how I think the principle applies to the 21st century policing.
The first principle states that the basic task for which the police force exists is to prevent disorder and crime as an option to the oppression of disorder and crime by severity of legal punishment and military force (Dempsey & Forst, 2008). The fundamental goal of most organizations of police today is represented as law enforcement and crime prevention (Villiers, 2006). A phrase that is most familiar in these organizations is “protect and serve”, which is reflected in this principle. I fully agree to this principle because of the aspect of protect and serve and it applies in the present world, 21st century.
The fifth principle states that police preserve and seek public favor, not by pandering to the opinion of the public, but by consistently demonstrating completely unbiased service to the law, in total independence of policy, and with no regard to the injustice or justice of the substance of personal laws; by ready providing personal service and friendship to all societal members irrespective of social standing or race; by ready practice of friendly good humor and courtesy; and by ready providing of personal sacrifice in preserving and protecting life (Dempsey & Forst, 2008). The police force has an ethical and moral duty to serve the public without bias based on finances, politics, or race. Any divergence from this duty leads to immediate media and public scrutiny in the modern world. Therefore, maintaining similar standards for all is essential in the processes and assists in the establishment of respect from the society for the enforcement of law and judicial systems ((Villiers, 2006). I fully support this principle since it refers to the aspect of law enforcement, which is applicable in the 21st century.
A lot could be said of Peelian principles that are regarded as essential to the profession he developed, but a final principle needs to be taken into consideration. The principle states that the test of police effectiveness is the lack of disorder and crime, not the visible proof of police measures in handling them (Dempsey & Forst, 2008). Crime and punishment are issues that are highly debated. With the increase in powers of police given in the USA Patriot Act, people are presented with a great show of force that is visible evidence, but disorder and crime continue. The principle is applicable in the 21st century and I fully support it. Some agencies involved in law enforcement create quotas in order to issue tickets for speeding, seat belts, and traffic violations. Today, Police departments are struggling to assess crime statistics more effectively and focus on crime prevention areas where the most focus is required (Villiers, 2006).
Peel developed policing on quality principles (Grant & Terry, 2008). The degree to which the principles are applied dictates the effectiveness and efficiency of modern policing. As the world is changing rapidly especially because of the Information Revolution, there is likely to be essential changes in the way policing is undertaken. Irrespective of such changes, the concepts and principles established by Peel are likely to endure (Grant & Terry, 2008). Policing in community is certainly necessary and justified by these principles. Developed in 1829, the principles are currently relevant and applied in community policing and law enforcement organizations today (Grant & Terry, 2008). Even though not formally declared a code of ethics, the principles are indeed based on required moral and ethical behavior of the public and law enforcement. Responsibility is a major component for the efficiency of enforcing law with the principles. The media and modern technology have led to an increase in the need for police, law enforcement, and the society to obey these principles.

Dempsey, J. S., & Forst, L. S. (2008). An introduction to policing (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
Grant, H., & Terry, K. (2008). Law Enforcement in the 21st Century. : Pearson Education.
Villiers, P. (2006). World Encyclopedia of Police Forces and Correctional Systems (2nd ed.). Detroit, MI: Gale.