Effective Communications

Great message Kadiatu, several things I want to elaborate on are communication and
content. While the incident in Flint is just one of the few environmental concerns that
happened nationally, the incident in Flint did make the news and captured attention. The
concerns in Flint showed many problems that should have been corrected at the onset of
the incident. As we know, there was a cover-up. Again, there are examples of this going on
within several cities to include one in my metro area. The message issued by Flinit officials
was unclear as to what to do as no one knew what to do. There was no record of such to
have been recorded and how to you handle such environmental hazard when the solution
may not be effective. The content of the communication is just as critical. Sure health
officials and political leaders could not relay information due to so much uncertainty.
However, the residents still demanded an answer with a solution
Health officials do have to calm community officials and neighbors to ease tension and
outline a plan that includes risk assessment, risk analysis, risk managment and risk
communication. The information should be explained in layman’s terms for residents to
comprehend. If this cannot be done, environmental staff within the city should be allowed
to speak to residents on their terms. This incident makes me think of my city in which the
local official attempted to speak to residents about the environmental concern even though
he was corrupt and included in the funneling of money and altering environmental data. If
there would have been a local person on hand to speak to residents in their terms, I do
believe some of these residents in my city would be better off as Flint was an example of
what not to do.

Discussion Response Post
I agree with you that effective communication should be done in such a way that the
recipient understands. The case of Flint is a concern that outlines the aspect of environmental
injustice (Tna, 2013). The leaders lied to the community that they will get clean water fit for
their consumption. However, the leaders did not fulfill their promise, and the community ended
up being affected. The issue in Flint, Michigan, was covered up and was not addressed as
desired. I would wish that as a communicator, you become empathetic with the affected

community and help them to understand that the problem will be solved in the shortest terms
with relevant stakeholders.
I have not seen you discussing the way you would communicate with the policymakers. It
is through the policymakers that the Flint issue will be addressed. Policymakers are integral in
handling the case because they are better placed to ensure that the promise that was earlier given
to the community has been attended. The policymakers should be communicated directly and
straightforwardly to ensure that they act on the message. The communities have the right to safe
and clean drinking water, and the Flint issue should not deter them.
It is appropriate that you understand that the communities are in dire need of having their
issue addressed. On the other hand, the policymakers are tasked with the responsibility of
implementing policies and ensuring they are acted upon with the relevant parties. In essence,
communication ought to be one characterized by understanding and apologizing to the affected
community. Similarly, the policymakers should be communicated directly to understand that the
issue is urgent.


Tna. (2013). Effective Communications: Raising the profile of your archive service [Ebook]. The
National Archives.