Instrument used for gathering evidence

Discuss one tool or instrument used for gathering evidence supporting the effectiveness of
programs or initiatives in your organization. Explain the methodology of how the tool was
used to evaluate a program. Describe at least one barrier in applying the data to improve

PUB 680

At my current organization, one of the tools used to gather evidence supporting the effectiveness
of programs or interventions entails a blend between the International Development Resources
Center (IDRC) and the Institutional and Organizational Assessment (IOA) model. The mix
between these frameworks focuses on the organization’s multidimensional performance, the
balance between the effectiveness of the programs applied, their efficiency, financial viability,
and relevance (Abildgaard, Saksvik, & Nielsen, 2016). Most fundamentally, it prioritizes the
initiatives that have the most significant impact on the organization’s functionality by focusing
on practical considerations such as the time required and resources available. These are followed
closely by considering the initiative or program’s purpose and the essence of balancing the
interest of multiple stakeholders.

As such, the tool follows the case study methodology that necessitates applying a
research design to determine the specific unit in which the program is implemented. However,
the method can be qualitatively or quantitatively, or a mix of both depending on the
organization’s particular circumstances and stakeholders (Abildgaard, Saksvik, & Nielsen,
2016). Most fundamentally, a review of the documents plays a pivotal role in the facilitation of

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the follow-ups on the written records at each stage, and the actions are taken. However, one
barrier associated with applying this data entails the different interpretation of the indicators by
stakeholders. For instance, the use of an indicator that measures the diversification of the funds
allocated to a specific program that assesses the organization’s financial viability can be viewed
positively by some stakeholders.

Conversely, another set of stakeholders may interpret the indicator from a negative
perspective. Dealing with multiple funding sources can lead to fragmentation and a significant
increase in the overall organizational costs (Abildgaard, Saksvik, & Nielsen, 2016). Since most
stakeholders have different and unique requirements, applying the data to improve practice may
lead to the pursuit of different priorities, systems, expectations, evaluation, and reporting

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Abildgaard, J. S., Saksvik, P. Ø., & Nielsen, K. (2016). How to measure the intervention
process? An assessment of qualitative and quantitative approaches to data collection in
the process evaluation of organizational interventions. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.