Meta Synthesis

Some questions to consider include, but are not limited to:

  1. Are the results of the study (studies) valid?
  2. What are the results?
  3. How can I apply these results to patient care?
    For example, in Chapter 7 of DiCenso, Guyatt, & Ciliska, considering prognosis, questions that serve as
    triggers under “was the sample representative?” would include subquestions such as, was there
    homogenity?; Was there bias?
    And in chapter 8, “What are the Results?” would trigger different probes (Was the description of the
    results thorough?)
    “How can I apply the results to patient care?” would yet consider different probes, such as what
    meaning and relevance does the study have for my patient care? Does the study help me understand
    the context of my care? Does the study enhance my knowledge about my patient care? (DiCesno, et
    al. 2005, pg. 122)

Meta Synthesis

Validity of the Results:

The results of this research are indeed valid because the researcher followed a systematic manner of
analysis to determine the final figures. At the same time, they are well in line with the purpose of the
study which was to find out the different ways in which patients perceive effective empowerment as
directed by various physicians. At the same time, a check of the references using internet search engines
revealed that the sources were indeed authentic. The fact that most of the patients were aged however
implies that there may be a bias, not necessarily on the part of the researcher but on the manner in
which older diabetic patients are handled by their nurses.

What were the results of the Study?

The study revealed that there are four main parameters that diabetic patients apply in the
determination of how effective the strategy applied by nurses is. These four parameters were trust in
the nurses’ competence & awareness, striving for control, a desire to share experiences and nurses’
attitudes and ability to personalize. These emerged from interviews conducted on 197 diabetes patients.
These results not only demonstrate the different logical paths followed by diabetic patients in
determining the best approach that a nurse can take but also the different effects that these approaches

How can I apply these results to patient care?

The first thing I will do is to eliminate the barrier to effective self-administration of diabetes treatment
which is limited knowledge by the patients. This way, they will have a better appreciation for the
instructions they are given by their nurses. This will mean that the nurses will have to place more energy
in the enlightenment of the patients on the implications of their condition and the reasons for the
different self-administration techniques available. This is because the biggest gap cited by patients is
that of knowledge.