Orthopedic nursing care

Write my experience about my clinical experience at clinical placement. It should be
minimum 500 words. For your information I had my placement in orthopedic ward, where
i looked after patient with different surgery such as spinal cord lumber of cervical infusion,
knee and joint replacement, hip replacement etc.
Please write a good reflection to pass this paper
� APA Referencing
� At least 15 genuine references from 2010 to 2016 study based,
� 90% references has to be research based Journal article AND books
� Australian and New Zealand based study articles are preferable.

Placement Reflection

Orthopedic nursing care has been essential in the management of conditions that affect
the musculoskeletal, connective and joint systems of the human body (Goldberg & Quinlan,
2014). As orthopedic nurses, we are charged with the responsibility of providing clinical,
surgical and rehabilitation services to debilitating patients (Hommel & Bååth, 2015). During my
placement, I learned about the progression of most orthopedic diseases which tend to have a slow
progression; a process that is full of pain and compromises the daily activities of a patient as well
as their quality of life. The conditions of the patients considerably influenced my delivery of care
and development of specific abilities. Research has indicated that the impact of these conditions
can be expressed either verbally or non-verbally and it may interfere with the student’s learning
and delivery of quality patient care (Faut, 2013; Taraldsen et al., 2013).
The concept of student placement has had a huge impact on practice based professions
such as orthopedic nursing. Placement enabled me to ostensibly look at actions, thoughts, and

feelings in my bid to learn from experience. According to Gupta & Havelock (2014), learning
from practice is the pillar of professional development and it is a crucial aspect of sustaining
growth in nursing practice. Sunderland et al., (2013) and McIntyre (2013), argue that if
practitioners fail to challenge their practice, chances of perceiving the practice as a ritual or habit
are likely to occur. In my placement, I came across several patients. Each case was a learning
milestone. A case in point is this female patient who came to the ward complaining of pain on
her left knee. Her records indicated that she had a history of arthroscopy in her right hip
(reporting). Upon assessment, it was determined that the patient had symptoms of groin pain,
catching, and popping in her knee (Ong et al., 2013). She was in intense pain to the extent that
she could not answer the questions she was being asked. During my placement, we received
several patients complaining of knee pain. What really could have been the cause of this high
incidence of patients suffering from pain on their knees? I considered this to be an area that
called for sufficient research and an amicable solution implemented (responding). As I was
examining at the patient, I wondered what could have been the cause of her intense pain.
Arthritis and mechanical injury topped the list of the most likely causes. These were the most
recurring diagnoses in patients presenting these kinds of symptom. Arthritis is a common
disorder affecting the musculoskeletal system of the elderly patients (Chen & Hung, 2015;
Brennan et al., 2014; Harrison et al., 2013). If the age of this patient is anything to go by, this
could be the most likely diagnosis (reasoning). However, upon further diagnosis it was proven
that the patient did not have arthritis. She later reported that she had fallen while alighting from
her car and hurt her knee (reconstruction). This was a learning point. More often than not,
patients undergo misdiagnosis due to misguided assumptions (Parchi et al., 2013; Instone &

Palmer, 2013). For instance, the patient in the case study could have been put on anti-arthritic
medications had further diagnosis not been conducted.
It is well documented that the demand of orthopedic care will increase with the aging
population (Rankin et al., 2014). As a result, there will be greater challenges associated with the
diagnosis and delivery of care. Currently, nurses are being trained on effective procedures to
observe when carrying out diagnosis. For instance, the use of SOAP note has been of great value
in conducting diagnosis. However, the future of orthopedic nursing care is aimed at developing
new technologies, robotics, instruments, and bone substitutes that will be less invasive, but
provide accurate during diagnosis (Close, 2013). Computer programs are also being developed
to further help in scanning patient trends and give effective prognosis.


Brennan, S. L., Lane, S. E., Lorimer, M., Buchbinder, R., Wluka, A. E., Page, R. S., & Ebeling,
P. R. (2014). Associations between socioeconomic status and primary total knee joint
replacements performed for osteoarthritis across Australia 2003–10: data from the
Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry. BMC
musculoskeletal disorders, 15(1), 356.
Chen, P., & Hung, W. W. (2015). Geriatric orthopedic co-management of older adults with hip
fracture: an emerging standard. Annals of translational medicine, 3(16).
Close, J. C. T. (2013). Hip fracture in Australia: missed opportunities and a chance to improve
care. Internal medicine journal, 43(12), 1262-1264.

Faut, R. M. (2013). Orthopaedic competencies put to the real test.Orthopedic nursing, 32(3),
Goldberg, S., & Quinlan, P. (2014). Professional Nursing Practice in the Orthopedic Care
Setting. In Perioperative Care of the Orthopedic Patient (pp. 333-338). Springer New
Gupta, A., & Havelock, W. (2014). A new future for hip fracture care–orthogeriatrician lead in
an ‘Acute’Hip Unit. Clinical Medicine, 14(6), 591-596.
Harrison, C., Britt, H., Miller, G., & Henderson, J. (2013). Prevalence of chronic conditions in
Australia. PloS one, 8(7), e67494.
Hommel, A., & Bååth, C. (2015). Working with Core Competencies in Orthopedic Nursing.
In The 7th international Australia New Zealand orthopaedic nurses association (anzona)
conference 11-13 nov, Sidney Australien.
Instone, S. L., & Palmer, D. M. (2013). Bringing the Institute of Medicine’s report to life:
Developing a doctor of nursing practice orthopedic residency.Journal of Nursing
Education, 52(2), 116-119.
McIntyre, L. F. (2013). Exploring new practice models delivering orthopedic care: can we
significantly decrease delivery costs and improve quality?.Sports medicine and
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barriers, supports, and incentives.Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 7, 249.

Ong, K. L., Wu, B. J., Cheung, B. M., Barter, P. J., & Rye, K. A. (2013). Arthritis: its
prevalence, risk factors, and association with cardiovascular diseases in the United States,
1999 to 2008. Annals of epidemiology, 23(2), 80-86.
Parchi, P. D., Vittorio, O., Andreani, L., Piolanti, N., Cirillo, G., Iemma, F., & Lisanti, M.
(2013). How nanotechnology can really improve the future of orthopedic implants and
scaffolds for bone and cartilage defects. Journal of Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic
Discovery, 2013.
Rankin, K. S., Sprowson, A. P., McNamara, I., Akiyama, T., Buchbinder, R., Costa, M. L., &
Rangan, A. (2014). The orthopaedic research scene and strategies to improve it. Bone &
Joint Journal, 96(12), 1578-1585.
Sunderland, M., Newby, J. M., & Andrews, G. (2013). Health anxiety in Australia: prevalence,
comorbidity, disability and service use. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 202(1), 56-61.
Taraldsen, K., Sletvold, O., Thingstad, P., Saltvedt, I., Granat, M. H., Lydersen, S., & Helbostad,
J. L. (2013). Physical behavior and function early after hip fracture surgery in patients
receiving comprehensive geriatric care or orthopedic care—a randomized controlled
trial. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences,
Taylor, A. (2015). A day in the life of orthopaedic and trauma practitioners: Orthopaedic Nurse
Practitioner–Hip Fracture. International journal of orthopaedic and trauma
nursing, 19(1), 50-51.