Topic: Domains of Learning
1) Design a class that you would like to teach someday. The class must be at least 4 hours in
length and must be multiple sessions. It can be 4 sessions of 1 hour each, or 2 sessions of 2
hours each, depending on your topic and target audience. Clearly & comprehensively
describes a class that you would like to teach someday according to criteria in column on
far left
2) Begin by describing the institution that is sponsoring the class (e.g., academic, hospital,
or community agency). Include the philosophy of the sponsoring organization and how that
will affect the course you are developing. Clearly & comprehensively describes the
institution that is sponsoring the class (i.e. academic, hospital, community agency etc)
Clearly & comprehensively includes the philosophy of the sponsoring organization and
how that will affect the course you are developing.
3) Explain how you determined a need for this class (needs assessment). Clearly &
comprehensively describes how you will determine a need for this class (needs assessment)
4) Write a one-paragraph description of the class. Clearly & comprehensively writes a one
paragraph description of the class
5) Identify the target audience. -how will you assess their learning styles? Clearly &
comprehensively identifies the target audience & how you will assess their learning styles
6) Identify the learning resources you will use for the class (textbooks or other resources).
7) Write the program outcomes for the course and the learner objectives for each class
session. Indicate which domains of learning are represented by each learner objective.
Clearly & comprehensively writes the program outcomes for the course &learner
objectives for each class session. Clearly & comprehensively indicates which domains of
learning are represented by each learner objective
8) Solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be
presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style
Guide Excellent selection of sufficient & relevant literature (less than 5 years old) at least 3
scholarly, peer-reviewed references used – other than course materials) Uses evidence-
based sources when available
9) There is no predetermined length criterion for this assignment. It is intended that each
student will develop a class that they can use in their selected area of education. Excellent
adherence to assignment length criteria (within stated criteria).
Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of
the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and
relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph
structure is seamless.
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Correct APA format is consistently used in the paper: cover page, margins, double-spacing,
font size, and all other elements of APA. Such as headings and pagination.
In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is
free of error.
Personal Class Design
Many people in the world today have an experience on the care given by nurses or are
aware of such care from experiences shared by friends or family. The first thing that they point
out is that they want to be cared for by a nurse who is qualified, meaning that he/she is skilled,
knowledgeable and competent (Butts & Rich, 2013). They also identified the fact that they
would want to be treated well every time they visit a healthcare institution. The latter expectation
is that the treatment they receive would be a human beings and not as cases. Making patients feel
safe and comfortable is one of the mandates of nurses. They should not only care for patients but
should also care about them (Gastmans, 2013). Thus, nurses should have a good attitude all the
time so as to care for patients with the respect, compassion and empathy that they deserve.
The guaranteed way of ensuring that nurses treat their patients in the most humane way
possible is to ensure that they are aware of the ethics that they should abide to. Nursing ethics
form a guideline that outlines how nurses ought to treat their patients and which boundaries not
to cross (Benjamin & Curtis, 2010). Therefore, this class is meant to impart ethical behavior in
students. The thesis statement developed for this paper is that there is a need to impart ethics into
aspiring and practicing healthcare practitioners and this can be done within an intensive four-
hour class. There may be skepticism on the length of time available for covering such a large
topic exhaustively. However, this class is designed in a way that it uses empirical evidence from
normal human behavior and expectations to draw conclusions (Kress & Selander, 2012). Rather
than teach abstract and generic topics and theory, this paper is designed to appeal to the human
nature of the students by allowing them to take part in the discussion from both the positions of
practitioners and patients. It will also draw on their individual experiences during visits to
healthcare institutions in order to strike a rapport with them and gain relevance.
Class design
Classes Learning activities Assessment activities
Part 1: Ethical Decision-
(1 hour 10 minutes)
Small group discussion
Assigned chapters
journals and websites
Scenario enactments
Random questions
Part 2: Nursing liability
(1 hour 20 minutes)
Small group discussion
Assigned chapters and
articles from journals and
Random questions
Part 3: Prevention of liability
(1 hour 30 minutes)
Small group discussion
Assigned chapters and
articles from journals and
Scenario enactments
Random questions
Final paper
Description of sponsoring organization
Nursing ethics are important for healthcare professions as they are the template on which
care is based and are important in avoiding liabilities. The National Institute of Nursing Research
(NINR) is an organization that is charged with the improvement and promotion of health in
entire populations with specific focus on individuals, families and communities (National
Institute of Nursing Research, 2013). The major role of this organization is to conduct both basic
and clinical research and also to conduct training in order to build on the existent scientific
knowledge on the management of disease symptoms, prevention of diseases and disability, and
improvement of end-of-life and palliative care. The intramural and extramural research programs
conducted by this organization are geared towards the incorporation of scientific exploration in
order to improve the quality of health services and health outcomes in general. This institution
funds the research that is aimed at cultivating more qualified nurse scientists and ensures this by
conducting extensive trainings for new nurses as well as for veteran nurses. This organization
focuses mostly on provision of training to those nurses that are from disadvantaged backgrounds
or are from underrepresented areas.
In order to ensure that nurses are armed with the relevant knowledge and skills, NINR
works closely with other disciplines that have overlapping interests like those that offer long
term care for older people, those that deal with special needs for women throughout their lives,
departments that deal with the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases and many more.
Additionally, the NINR works closely with the Clinical and Translational Science Awards
(CTSA) program in order to recognize extraordinary contributions to the nursing practice.
The NINR is mostly involved in conducting research and training nurses. It is driven by
the desire to improve on the scientific and evidence-based care systems that are already
developed. This class deals specifically with ethical issues and in particular with ethical decision-
making, nursing liability and the prevention of liability. The NINR outlines these topics in such a
way that they are not only supported in law but are also supported by research into the desires of
patients. Instead of just imparting this knowledge on the students, the NINR has conducted
research into the ways that patients and their friends and relatives would like to be treated in care
institutions. Thus, the empirical data that is sourced from these researches will form the basis for
the class.
Needs assessment
There are many methods that are used in combating different types of conditions in
patients. In offering care, nurses might be overwhelmed by the different types of care that are
needed for specific patients. This leaves gaps where patients might be accorded the wrong type
of care hence making the nurses and the institutions liable. In order to avoid liability in the
course of care giving, nursing ethics are paramount. There is a need gap in the way that ethics are
imparted. This is because, most nurses are taught to follow rigid procedures in the course of
giving care. This class, as sponsored by the NINR, is meant to teach nursing ethics differently.
Instead of teaching wholesale concepts to students, they will source the information in the
researches conducted by the institution so that they internalize it. Evidence-based ethical practice
is bound to have a more profound effect on the students as compared to theory-based practice.
Class description
The class will dwell on the ethical practices that are expected in nursing practice. Ethics
are described as those values within the conduct of humans that deal with the degree of right or
wrong of actions taken, the nature of their motives either good or bad, and the consequences of
such actions. Thus, the basic aim of the class will be to teach students on the actions, motives
and consequences of their actions in different circumstances. The lessons contained herein will
be based on the laws, rules and regulations, which determine the decisions that nurses make. The
class will also outline the various liabilities that may be incurred by nurses and modes of
preventing them. The entire class will take four hours to complete and will be divided into three
parts; ethical decision-making, nursing liabilities and prevention of liabilities. Ethical decision-
making will take the least time, 1 hour and 10 minutes, with the ten minutes at the end being the
time that the instructor will take to assess whether the students have understood the information
dispensed using a five-minute quiz. The nursing liability part will take ten more minutes than the
previous section as it will start by reviewing what was taught in the first part as well as relaying
the results on the performance of the first part. The rest of the class structure will resemble the
first. The last part will start as the second with a discussion of the previous sections and
dispensing results for the previous part. This section will however end with a more
comprehensive test that will take fifteen minutes to gauge the general understanding of the
students of the entire four-hour class.
Target audience
Ethics classes are usually relevant to many practitioners as they are universal. This class
is therefore targeted at all groups of individuals that come into contact with patients in and
outside healthcare institutions and who assist the patients in management of their conditions.
This may include nurses, doctors, clinical officers and laboratory technicians. The course will be
aimed at imparting the requisite knowledge to this group of people before they embark on their
chosen careers. Thus, it targets a large number of high school graduates who are interested in
pursuing a career in healthcare. Due to the sheer size of the targeted group, there will be need of
a comprehensive assessment mechanism to ensure that the information dispensed is internalized
by the students. One of the reasons for the existent of doubt to the extent to which students
internalize academic material is because the current education system extrinsically motivates
them to learn these materials for the sake of getting good grades and progress to the next level.
However, this case is unique because nursing ethics are not to be cruised through as they form
the core onto which more technical nursing concepts and other healthcare principles will be
As stated above, there will be need for comprehensive assessment in order to ensure that
the concepts are internalized. There are a number of ways in which this will be achieved. First,
there will be short, five-minute quizzes done at the end of every discussion. This will be handed
to the instructors at the end of the lesson so that the level of student comprehension can be
assessed. The instructor will also constantly ask random questions in the course of the
discussions. Another technique for assessment will be the enactment of healthcare scenarios
where students will be required to mimic different characters. Through this means, instructors
can identify whether the students have grasped the basic information. It also helps those that
have not understood the importance or application of ethical practices to visualize them in the
enactments. At the end of the entire class, there will be a standardized fifteen-minute exam that
will test the overall understanding of the information taught.
Learning resources
Carrol, P. (2004). Community health nursing: A practical guide. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar
Centers for Disease Control (2008). Community guide to prevention. Atlanta, GA.
Corbin, J. (2008). Is caring a lost art in nursing? International Journal of Nursing Studies,
Council of Community Health Nurses (1988). Standards of community health nursing practice.
Kansas City: American Nurse’s Association.
Dawoud, D. & Maben, J. (2008). Nurses in society: starting the debate. Written evidence.
London: National Nursing Research Unit, King’s College
Henderson, A., Van Eps, M.A., Pearson, K., James, C. & Henderson, P. (2007). ‘Caring for’
behaviours that indicate to patients that nurses ‘care about’ them. Journal of Advanced Nursing,
Kuhse, H. & Singer, P. (2009). A Companion to Bioethics. Chichester UK: Blackwells
Maben, J. & Griffiths, P. (2008). Nurses in Society: starting the debate London: National
Nursing Research Unit, King’s College
Tschudin, V. (2003). Ethics in Nursing: the caring relationship (3rd ed.). Edinburgh:
Wood, V. (2008). Nurses in Society: starting the debate. Oral evidence. London: Lala & Wood
Relevant journals
Journal of Public Health Policy
American Association of Occupational Health Nursing Journal
Journal of Community Health Nursing
Family and Community Health
Journal of School Nursing
American Journal of Public Health
Home Health Care Nursing
Public Health Nursing
Useful internet sources
Internet Health Coalition:
US department of Health and Human Service Office of Minority Health:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
Program outcomes
There are many outcomes that are expected from this class. First, there should be a
greater focus on the health and prevention of aggravation in patients. Here, emphasis is on a
holistic approach to the emotional, physical and mental conditions of the patients. Students
should be aware of the basics of nursing ethics which are patient-centered. Thus, all activities
that are geared towards the alleviation of pain or discomfort are important for the patient and the
The second outcome is that the care afforded to the patient must be effective and efficient
and delivered with a combination of compassion and humanity. Thus, the class will enable
students to focus on improving the quality of care they give by using the right facilities,
equipment and other materials in the right manner for the right purposes.
The third outcome is that students must be aware of the evidence-based approaches to
nursing care. This is especially so in the expectations that patients, their families and friends
have of them. This information will be sourced by review of the numerous researches done by
The students will also be aware of the importance of seamless working through teams.
The most important concept here is that nurses cannot and should not work in isolation.
Therefore, the ethics that they learn should also be applicable to their team members so that the
quality of care afforded a patient is of the highest quality guaranteed by collaboration.
The last outcome is that students must recognize that the patient is the focal point of care
and is thus invaluable. This means that the patient should be consulted at all times in any
decisions made. He/she should also be communicated to in the best way possible with empathy,
courtesy and compassion.
Learner objectives
Specific learning objectives for the three-part class are listed below.
Ethical Decision-Making
Students will be in a position to:
understand the code of ethics in regards to compassion and empathy
describe the primary roles of nursing
understand the responsibilities of nurses towards patients and other stakeholders in
use various decision-making models
develop nursing values
Nursing liability
Students will be in a position to:
identify the different scenarios that can lead to malpractice and negligence
carry out the responsibilities of nursing to the fullest without instances oversight
learn the different consequences of malpractice and other liabilities
Prevention of liability
Students will be in a position to:
develop friendly relationships with patients and their friends and families
accurately document all the information including treatment data, evaluations and
response of patients to care
identify established standards for quality nursing care
collaborate with other caregivers in affording patients the best care
learn the different laws that govern the nursing practice
Domains of learning
There are three domains of learning, namely: cognitive, psychomotor and affective
(Fadul, 2009). They deal with knowledge, skills and attitudes respectively. In the learning
objectives for ethical decision-making, understanding the code of ethics in regards to compassion
and empathy, and understanding the responsibilities of nurses towards patients and other
stakeholders in healthcare represent the cognitive domain whereas describing the primary roles
of nursing and developing nursing values are affective with using various decision-making
models representing the psychomotor domain.
In the nursing liability part of the class, identifying the different scenarios that can lead to
malpractice and negligence represents the affective domain, while carrying out the
responsibilities of nursing to the fullest without instances oversight represents the psychomotor
domain and learning the different consequences of malpractice and other liabilities representing
the cognitive domain.
Finally, the prevention of liability part has the cognitive domain being represented by
learning the different laws that govern the nursing practice, while psychomotor domain is
represented by accurately documenting all the information including treatment data, evaluations
and response of patients to care and collaborating with other caregivers in affording patients the
best care. Identifying established standards for quality nursing care and developing friendly
relationships with patients and their friends and families comprise the affective domain.
Benjamin, M. & Curtis, J. (2010). Ethics in Nursing: Cases, Principles, and Reasoning. New
York: Oxford University Press
Butts, J. B. & Rich, K. (2013). Nursing Ethics: Across the Curriculum and Into Practice.
Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning
Fadul, J. A. (2009). Collective Learning: Applying distributed cognition for collective
intelligence. The International Journal of Learning, 16(4)
Gastmans, C. (2013). Dignity-enhancing nursing care: A foundational ethical framework.
Nursing Ethics, 20(2), 142–149.
Kress, G. & Selander, S. (2012). Multimodal design, learning and cultures of recognition.
Internet and Higher Education, 15(1), 265–268.
National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) (2013). Mission. National Institutes of Health.
Retrieved March 18, 2014 from