Organizational Values Presentation

Organizational Values Presentation

Prepare a 10-minute presentation (10-15 slides, not including title or reference slide) on organizational culture and values.

Describe how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across
groups, and promote effective problem-solving.

Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of the individual nurses
did or did not align. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

Describes how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

*A description to how alignment between the values of an organization and the values of the nurse impact nurse engagement and patient
outcomes is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or reflective thought.

Discusses how an individual can use effective communication techniques to Overcome Workplace Challenges, Encourage Collaboration Across
Groups, and Promote Effective Problem-Solving.

  • A discussion to how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration
    across groups, and promote effective problem-solving is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior
    learning or reflective thought.

Identify a specific instance from your own professional experience in which the values of the organization and the values of individual nurses did
or did not align. Describe the impact this had on nurse engagement and patient outcomes.

*An example from your professional experience is offered in detail, while demonstrating higher level thinking by incorporating prior learning or
reflective thought.

Alignment between the organizational values and the nurse’s
values can either be negative or positive. A positive alignment is
a situation whereby both the organization and the nurse share the
same values. On the other hand, a negative alignment is whereby
there is a conflict between organizational and the nurse’s values
(Kelly, 2011).

Positive Alignment

A positive alignment between nurse and organization values
usually results to effective nurse engagement and improved
patient outcomes. On the other hand, a negative alignment will
have the opposite impact.

Impact of Alignment Organizational Versus
Nurse’s Values


The nurse in question is likely to be more committed to their work.
This is due to the fact that as long as the nurses are guided by their
values in carrying out their work, they are assured of organizational
support by the healthcare organization in question (Cohen, 2009).

On the other hand, a negative alignment is likely to result to low
morale among the nurse which will in turn compromise on their
engagement since they might not be in position to completely
ascertain whether the healthcare organization in question is behind
them in whatever duties they might be undertaking (Cohen, 2005).

Impact of Alignment Organizational
Versus Nurse’s Values

Patient Outcomes

A negative alignment between nurse and patient values results
to an ineffective nurse engagement and a lack of improvement
in patient outcomes. This implies that patient may experience
adverse with respect to the care offered by the nurses (Kelly,

Impact of Alignment Organizational
Versus Nurse’s Values

Adverse Outcomes might include:

Worsening of the symptoms

Development of other symptoms that might not have been
present prior to the care.

Inability of the symptoms or illness in question to disappear
even after the patient has been subjected to the care.

Impact of Alignment Organizational
Versus Nurse’s Values

Effective communication techniques are those
techniques that are meant to ensure that messages are
passed along in the most effective manner, to the right
people and at the right time. Relaying messages in the
most effective manner implies that the intended
recipient should be in a position to clearly understand
the meaning of the message and how it should be

Impact Of Effective Communication

Workplace Challenges

Effective communication will enable the individual in
question be in a position to seek clarification in case of any
ambiguities thereby ensuring that no complications result due
to ambiguous messages.

Timely exchange of information will ensure that information is
communicated in good time thereby ensuring that tasks are
handled in good time thus reducing the need for overtime

Effective communication will enable simplification of
complicated concepts enhancing the capacity of nurses to
perform various tasks in a somewhat smooth manner

Impact Of Effective Communication

Encouraging Collaboration across Groups

Effective communication which explains any ambiguous or
complicated will enhance understanding among group
members who are meant to collaborate in undertaking a given

Timely delivery of messages will ensure that relevant
information regarding the collaborative efforts of group
members is relayed in good time facilitating scheduled
completion of collaborative tasks.

Impact Of Effective Communication

Effective Problem Solving

Effective Communication will enhance:

Problem definition.

The first most important things when it comes to problem
solving are problem definition which seeks to clearly define the
problem within the medical context in question so as to
facilitate the process of formulating a suitable solution.

Formulation of the suitable solution Chosen.

The second most important thing is formulation of the solution
which is only possible through effective communication.

Impact Of Effective Communication

Definition of Scenario

One specific instance in which there was a
conflict between the values of the nurse and the
values of the organization involved the treatment
of an extremely ill cancer patient. The patient
was presented with a case of advanced colon
cancer, and due to the level of advancement of the
illness, the patient’s chance for survival was very

Professional Experience Illustrating Impact
of Value Alignment Between the
Organization and the Nurse

Definition Of Scenario

According to Kelly (2011), the patient had only two options. The
first option was for the patient to be kept on pain relieving
medication and other such medication that will enhance their
comfort as the disease takes its course.

The second option was to attempt an ambitious and extremely
invasive surgical operation that would accord the patient with a
twenty percent chance of survival, and even so, the quality of life of
the patient would significantly be compromised (Kelly, 2011).

Professional Experience Illustrating Impact
of Value Alignment Between the
Organization and the Nurse

Cause of Conflict

The nurse valued the quality of life that the patient
currently led and the impact that such a surgical
intervention had on it. This informed their decision not
support such a move (Cohen, 2009). On the other
hand, the hospital organization valued its commitment
to safeguard life and ensure that all measures are taken
to save the lives of its patients.

Professional Experience Illustrating
Impact of Value Alignment Between the
Organization and the Nurse

Impact on Nurse’s Engagement and patient

This conflict has a significant impact in the nurse’s
engagement. As much as the nurse had to go along with the
stand taken by the hospital with respect to the patient’s
treatment, they were not fully committed to the move and
this affected their engagement levels. The nurse was not
committed in following through with the pre-surgical care
of the patient and as such, the patient’s condition worsened.

Professional Experience Illustrating Impact of
Value Alignment Between the Organization and
the Nurse

Kelly, P (2011). Nursing Leadership & Management.
New York: Cengage Learning.

Cohen, C (2009). Nursing Case Management: From
Essentials to Advanced Practice Applications.
Michigan: Elsevier Health Services.