Patient Educational Flyer

Patient Educational Flyer

Design a 1-2 page patient education flyer/pamphlet for an alternative

Medicine/herbal product.

Describe the product, its intended use, side effects, adverse reactions, and safety issues (risks and benefits of using an alternative medication/herbal product versus a prescription medication).


The patient education flyer is well developed and includes the products intended use, side effects, adverse reactions, and safety issue, including the risks/benefits of using the product versus a prescription medication. The patient education flyer is adequately developed and includes the products intended use, side effects, adverse reactions, and safety issue, including the risks/benefits of using the product versus a prescription.

The flyer includes community and/or online resources for the patient to obtain further information. The flyer should include at least 2 community and/or online resources for the patient to obtain more information

The information in the flyer is accurate and appropriate for patient education. The information in the flyer is accurate but inappropriate for patient education.

Flyer has a creative and sophisticated construction. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. There is a creative and sophisticated construction. A logical progression of ideas is apparent.

Flyer is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, and grammar

Language Use and Audience Awareness (includes appropriate readability level, sentence construction, word choice, etc.)The writer is clearly aware of audience; uses a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary for the target audience; uses figures of speech to communicate clearly.

Evaluating and Documenting Sources (includes use of appropriate style, correct citation format in-text, and in Reference section) References section includes sources, but they are not consistently cited correctly. References included within the body of the presentation, but with some citation errors.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Patient Educational Flyer

Presently, there has been an increased use of herbal products owing to their therapeutic and preventive benefits. While retaining their natural qualities, herbal products enhance healthier healing methods for various ailments. An herbal product heals more than three ailments and this has greatly contributed to their popularity. In addition, considering that these medicines grow in the wild or a person can tender them at the backyard, they are relatively cheaper in comparison to manufactured medicines (Newall, Anderson & Phillipson, 1996).

Aloevera Herbal Concepts- Nutan Ayurvedic Research Center: The company specializes in herbal products that are totally free of chemicals. All products comprise of Aloevera extracts. The company has a keen concern for caring for and keeping their clients healthy. Their mission is revolutionizing herbal products’ use to all people and promoting Herbal Ayurvedic medicines. The business’ nature is a trader and service provider.


Product: Ashma Care Cap.

Aloevera Herbal Concepts recommends the use of Ashma Care Cap. For the treatment of various disease conditions.

Dosage: two capsules two times in a day using lukewarm water. A physician’s instructions can be sought. A can has sixty capsules.


Intended use

* Push cells

* Ulcer

* Acidity

* Gas

* Blood pressure

* Obesity

* Urinary Tract Infections

* Gall bladder stone

* Kidney stone

* Cystitis

Side Effects: how the product is used determines potent human risks.

à Using Ashma care cap. made from non-decolorized leaves results to carcinogenic activity associated with large intestines’ tumors.

à Diarrhea

à Abdominal cramps

à Acute hepatitis

Adverse Reactions

Þ Diarrhea minimizes absorption of other drugs

Þ Diabetic patients using glucose-lowering medications should be keen as Ashma care cap. reduces blood glucose levels.

Safety Issues

It is worth mentioning that herbal products’ manufacturers are never asked for proof of efficacy and safety by the United States’ Food and Drug Administration prior to marketing (De Smet, 1995).  Owing to this fact, the drug interactions and adverse effects that result from herbal remedies are unknown. For instance, Ginkgo biloba that arguably improves cognitive functioning causes spontaneous bleeding. In addition, it interacts with antiplatelet and anticoagulants agents. Second, St John’s wort that is advertised as a depression treatment has monoamine oxidase-inhibiting impacts and leads to higher neropinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin levels. St. John’s wort should never be used with antidepressants prescriptions. Third, herbal products that contain ephedrine are linked to adverse seizures and cardiovascular events, in addition to death. Therefore, a person should be extremely keen and seek adequate information about a herbal product before use irrespective of the benefits associated with the product.

The physician’s instructions should be followed to ensure safety and prevent adverse reactions. However, there no any significant safety issues reported from the use of Ashma Care Cap. The manufacturer of the product is GMP and ISO 9001: 2000 certified. The product was also produced after untiring and long research from the Ayurvedic specialists.

            More information about the product and other products, the following are the contacts that can be used:

Mr. Shashinath M. Jha

Telephone: +(91)-(268)-6992338

Cell Phone: +(91)-9879114529

Address: Nutan Ayurved Research Center that is based at Shashi Farm House, adjacent to Bhume, Kheda – 387 345, India, Gujarat.


De Smet, P. A. (1995). Should herbal medicine-like products be licensed as medicines. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 310(6986), 1023.

Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A., & Phillipson, J. D. (1996). Herbal medicines. A guide for health-care professionals. The pharmaceutical press.