Effects on human health, animal health, and ecosystem health

Discuss the interrelationship between human health and the natural environment. Describe
the effects on human health, animal health, and ecosystem health when changes are made
to the natural environment by human activities, such as construction, production of goods,
use of resources, or increased population. Highlight one current example and its effects.

The interaction between humans and the natural environment involves the actions taken to obtain
food, water, building materials, medicine, and other numerous resources. Over the years,
advances in science and technology have facilitated humans’ exploitation of the environment for
their benefit. As a result, these exploitative activities have contributed to the introduction of
pollution and other environmental damages that have eventually led to adverse outcomes. The
natural environment relates to humans through the provision of a pleasant climate, access to
clean water, fertile soil, and other aspects that allow people to live and thrive (Seymour, 2016).
On the other hand, harsh environments that include extreme temperatures, scarcity of water, and
infertile land lead to considerable challenges for human survival. These are coupled with the
occurrence of significant environmental events and natural disasters that include drought,
earthquakes, and floods, all of which lead to damages on human homes, property, and
agriculture. Additionally, these occurrences lead to the displacement of people and may further
escalate to injuries, loss of lives, and destruction of livelihoods (Seymour, 2016).

Changes in the environment brought about by human-induced activities are associated
with adverse effects on their well-being as well as that of animals and the ecosystem. For
instance, events such as urbanization have been associated with undesirable outcomes that
include the development of chronic illnesses, social isolation, psychiatric disorders, and other

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related physical symptoms. The occurrence of such adversities is attributed to human behavioral
and consumerism patterns, anthropogenic polluting activities, and urbanization (Seymour, 2016).
These outcomes have, over the years, affected the welfare of humans and animals, as well as the
functionality and sustainability of the ecosystem. For instance, as a result of the effects of
increased human-induced activities on the ecosystem, adverse outcomes such as pollution have
been associated with toxic water that has, in turn, inhibited the growth of plants and led to the
death of sea creatures (Seymour, 2016). These adversities have escalated to the meltdown of
glaciers that have culminated in a significant increase in environmental temperatures.

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Seymour, V. (2016). The Human–Nature Relationship and Its Impact on Health: A Critical
Review. Frontiers in Public Health, 4(260).