Chest physiotherapy for pneumonia

Certain practice habits continue to be used despite the availability of research and
other forms of evidence that should be implemented to guide practice interventions. CPT is
often prescribed for children with pneumonia, asthma, bronchiolitis, and atelectasis
following surgery or mechanical ventilation.
Initial Discussin Post:
What is the expected outcome when implementing CPT?
What are the risks of performing CPT? Do the risks outweigh the benefits?
Is the practice of CPT supported by evidence? Are there safe, alternative
interventions that the RN can implement to achieve the same outcome as performing CPT?
If so, identify at least one.
Base your initial post on your readings and research of this to

Chest Physical Therapy (CPT)

Question 1
Chest Physical Therapy (CPT) is a technique that helps patients breathe more freely and
receive more body oxygen. It is based on the theory that when particular back and chest parts are
percussed, transmission of shock waves occurs through the chest wall. This in turn loosens the
airway secretions. CPT has been used commonly in children with pneumonia. In a well-
positioned, the secretions flow into the upper airways and then cleared through deep breathing
techniques and coughing. The outcomes of CPT implementation include improved respiratory
efficiency, elimination of respiratory secretions, changes in breath sounds, increased blood
oxygenation as measured by ABG sampling, and improved chest X-ray findings.
Question 2
Some of the risk factors that have been associated with CPT include pulmonary
hemorrhage, vomiting and aspiration, injury or pain to the ribs, spine or muscles, dysrhythmias,

bronchospasms, and occasions of acute hypotension in some patients. CPT does more harm than
go to the patient.
Question 3
There is no evidence that supports the use of CPT in evacuating mucus from the
peripheral lung regions. Registered nurses have been challenged to evaluate their practice and
embrace clinical practices that are evidence-based into their daily practice. Newer and safer
interventions have been introduced in clinical practice to aid in curbing the adverse effects of
CPT (Lisy, 2014). The interventions include Active Cycle of Breathing Technique (ACBT),
autogenic drainage, forced expiratory technique (FET), and positive expiratory pressure (PEP).
An interview like ACBT aids patients with respiratory conditions in clearing sputum by
loosening and moving the sputum from the airways. Conversely, in PEP patients breathe against
a resistance to force air behind the mucus and help it move from the air walls.



Lisy, K. (2014). Chest physiotherapy for pneumonia in children. The American Journal of
Nursing, 114(5), 16.