A Public Health Concern

Select a public health problem or health issue and describe communication channels,
vehicles, and platforms used to deliver messages related to that problem or issue. What
are the limitations of health communication with regard to this problem or health issue?

Tobacco Use: A Public Health Concern
Tobacco use is a prominent health concern in the united states, with 16.8% of the
American population over 18 years having been known to indulge in smoking or any other
form of tobacco use. It has also been considered as a risk factor that leads to the development
of various conditions such as heart disease, cancer, hypertension, stroke, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, and rheumatoid arthritis (West, 2017) . In addition, there is exposure to
the second-hand smokers due to individuals who smoke around them. As such, Public health
communication is important in the dissemination of information that aims to the cessation of
smoking and reduction of tobacco use hence eliminating the risk of adverse health effects on
the population.
As such, there are various strategies employed by health communication to ensure the
prevention and cessation of tobacco use amongst the population. Various strategies have been
implemented and channels used in the dissemination of the information on the detrimental
effects of primary smoking and second-hand smoking (Ross, Noar, & Sutfin, 2019) . Various
channels used include radio, television, outdoor advertisement platforms, social media, news
outlets, and print media, and social media and websites. A blend of the various channels is
required to increase their scope and also ensure that the message is received by the targeted

However, efforts in the dissemination of smoking health communication in public
health to aid in the behavior change have been hampered by various barriers, which include
funding for the campaign against tobacco use. Adequate funding is required for sustained
communication in the various select channels and platforms to ensure adequate reach and
frequency (Rhoades & Beebe, 2015) . Moreover, adequate training of the individuals involved
in health communication is important as it equips them with the relevant knowledge and
hence can answer questions.



Rhoades, R. R., & Beebe, L. A. (2015). Tobacco control and prevention in Oklahoma: Best
practices in a preemptive state. American Journal of Preventive Medicine,
48(suppl_1), S6-S12.
Ross, J. C., Noar, S. M., & Sutfin, E. L. (2019). Systematic review of health communication
for non-cigarette tobacco products. Health Communication, 34(3), 361-369.
West, R. (2017). Tobacco smoking: Health impact, prevalence, correlates, and interventions.
Psychology & Health, 32(8), 1018-1036.