Importance of resource conservation and renewable energy

Discuss the importance of resource conservation and renewable energy. What
environmental stewardship approaches can be used at the community, national, and
international level to promote environmental sustainability. What practices can you adopt
to reduce your ecological footprint?

Importance of resource conservation and renewable energy
Conservation of resources is important because all resources have a significant impact on
the environment. Natural resources such as wind and solar are used for the production of both
non-renewable and renewable energy that is used by humans for various activities. For example,
renewable energy is conserved to produce electricity used for light and other industrial functions
(Union of Concerned Scientists, 2013). In this case, if renewable energy and other resources are
not conserved various activities that play an important role in the economic, financial and social
life of humans will be affected. For instance, lack of enough fuel and electricity will result in
reduced production and manufacturing which will have a significant impact on the economy.
Environmental stewardship
Promoting environmental stewardship has been a great concern to the people in today’s
societies. Environmental stewardship involves enhancing environmental stability both in rural
and urban areas in terms of marine, terrestrial, aerial and aquatic conservation (Bennett et al.,
2018). Environmental stewardship at international, national and community can enhance


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environmental stability through various approaches. These approaches include but not limited to
eliminating harmful human activities, planting trees, restoration of degraded areas and
purchasing more sustainable products for use in manufacturing and at home. (Bennett et al.,
2018). Other approaches might involve the development of policies that help in protecting the
environment and enhancing conservation.
Practices to adopt to reduce your ecological footprint
Reducing ecological footprints can be achieved by covering the basics which include
reducing the water usage level, recycling waste materials from the factories and our own homes,
avoid using person cars as the mode of transport and instead adopt communal transportation and
also engage in activities that reduce electricity consumption (Kerr-Wilson, 2019). Based on the
topic of reducing electricity consumption, people should reduce the usage of electronic gadgets.
Other approaches that reduce ecological footprints include creating awareness through education,
investing sustainably and getting involved in local environmental actions.


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Bennett, N., Whitty, T. S., Finkbeiner, E. M., Pittman, J., Bassett, H., Gelcich, S., &
Allison, E. H. (2018). Environmental Stewardship: A Conceptual Review and
Analytical Framework.
Kerr-Wilson, A. (2019). 7 Ways Youth Can Reduce Their Ecological Footprints.
Union of Concerned Scientists. (2013, March 5). Environmental Impacts of Renewable
Energy Technologies.