How much caffeine do you consume and why?? Track your caffeine consumption for 2 days and calculate an average of the mg you have consumed.

How much caffeine do you consume and why?? Track your caffeine consumption for 2 days and calculate an average of the mg you have consumed. (Add all of the caffeine you have consumed and divide by 2 days.)
Submit a list of all the products and amounts you have consumed and the amount of caffeine in each. (this can be a spreadsheet if you prefer). Then talk about WHY you consume that amount. Maybe you choose to not to consume caffeine – that’s fine, just tell me why you do that. Your narrative should be 200-250 words (approx. one page double spaced). OR you can submit a video 2-3 minutes in length (must be in a format compatible with windows).
Reflections, written or recorded should include: What you thought before, and how your discussions and research have impacted your opinion now (changed it, strengthened it or helped you form an opinion). If you have trouble uploading a video, it is likely too big of a file. Please, either upload to or YouTube and submit the link to the assignment. Video?