Fostering change

Drawing on the theories and strategies of change you learned about this week, consider
how you, as a leader, would foster change that you think is needed within this organization
as well as within your community.

Fostering change wk 6

Steps to foster change process
Change is inevitable in any organization. However, it is as well difficulty to trigger
change in organization, as it requires application of specific techniques. Not many people will
embrace change that easy (Kotter, 2007). To foster change in my organization, I will do in-depth
research to establish whether it is indeed necessary to embrace change. This will help to identify
whether the change will be of benefit to the organization or not or whether, the other
stakeholders will accept it or not. I will as well incorporate the views and opinions of other
stakeholders. Stakeholders will have to deliberate on the change idea and provide their own
recommendation. Communication is also very important when implementing change (Kotter,
2007). All the parties that the change is going to affect will be informed progressively about the
change and its benefits. This will help to reduce the level of resistance. Some of challenges that
should be expected is increased resistance from the stakeholders, poor communication
techniques, insufficient resources to implement the change and inadequate personnel with
adequate skills to ensure proper implementation of the change. However, these changes can be
managed by recruiting additional staffs that have requisite skills to implement the changes,

adopting effective communication media, convincing/persuading the stakeholders on the benefits
of the changes and soliciting funds and other resources through credit facilities.
Comparison and contrast of steps to take to foster change process in my own community to
impact public health.
To foster change in my own community I will first engage with the community leaders to
share this idea with them. Afterwards, I will communicate the vision to the rest of the
community members and receive their response. I will then act on their feedback and persuade
them about the need to embrace the change. This will require that I demonstrate good leadership
skills that they should not worry about the project. These steps are not consistent with the
previous steps as there is no in-depth research conducted. The steps are appropriate because they
will help to motivate and persuade the community to accept the changes with minimal or no
resistance. One challenge likely to be encountered is resistance by some section of the
community. To counter this, I will bring experts and opinion leaders that will demonstrate to
them that the changes have worked elsewhere and therefore they should embrace the same for
their own benefit (Senge, 1990).



Kotter, J. P. (2007). Leading change. Harvard Business Review, 85(1), 96-103.
Senge, P. M. (1990). The leader’s new work: Building learning organizations. Sloan
Management Review, 32(1), 7-23.