Describe the key elements of an effective health communication plan. Why is planning
so important? Provide examples of how public health professionals can apply ethical
considerations in the planning process.
Effective Health Communication Plan
An effective health communication plan is essential for the success of the program in
a given community. It ensures the preparedness of the various stakeholders and concerned
parties in the execution, monitoring, and evaluation of the performance of the communication
in addressing the various societal health concerns (Lwin & Salmon, 2015) . Moreover, it
outlines the different phases and the activities to be carried out in them; hence, there is flow
in the process, thus making it more effective and efficient. Furthermore, the program can be
altered at different stages once a strategy had been deemed ineffective in the dissemination of
relevant information to the target audience hence saving valuable time and scarce resources
allocated for the process (Werder, 2019) . As such, there must be a health communication plan
Several elements constitute an effective health communication plan which includes
the identification of the health problem that needs to be addressed by health communication.
It also aids in the analysis of the various available resources and channels which are
instrumental in the execution of the plan (Firestone, Rowe, Modi, & Sievers, 2017) .
Additionally, there should be an identification of the target audience and the available
channels which are most likely to appeal to them hence ensure the effectiveness of the
communication. Moreover, there should be a test of the messages, strategies, materials,
channel, and concept using a target population and will allow for the effectiveness of the plan
to be assesse d (Lwin & Salmon, 2015) . It also ensures that changes are made to the program
in the initial stages of implementation.
Once the tests are conducted there is the development of the execution framework and
the means to assess the success or failure of a given health communication program based on
the results of the testing conducted on the strategies (Werder, 2019) . Ethical considerations
are also implemented, thus ensuring conformity to the set norms and standards of public
health. Monitoring and evaluation of the program are essential as it informs on the
effectiveness and efficiency of the program in dissemination the information to the target
audience (Firestone, Rowe, Modi, & Sievers, 2017) . Also, changes in the program can be
instigated to ensure its ability to communicate effectively to the intended community and
hence changes.
Firestone, R., Rowe, C. J., Modi, S. N., & Sievers, D. (2017). The effectiveness of social
marketing in global health: A systematic review. Health Policy and Planning, 32(1),
Lwin, M. O., & Salmon, C. T. (2015). A retrospective overview of health communication
studies in Asia from 2000 to 2013. Asian Journal of Communication, 25(1), 1-13.