Eating the right and nutritious foods

Critically evaluate any three popular fat loss programs. How do they stack up against each
other relative to their nutritional profile? Their ability to support intense training? Their
ability to provide lasting results?

Fat loss programs

Eating the right and nutritious foods and engaging in physical exercises is the only way to
maintain better health. Proper diet reduces the level of fats in the body. Various fat loss
programs have been developed to help maintenance of fat levels.
The three popular fat loss programs includes: Atkins diet, The Pritikin principle and the
zone diet. The Atkins diet is one of the well-known fad diets that people use to loss fats. The
diet conists of high protein, fats and low carbohydrates plan. Currently the plan requires people
to eat delicious and healthy food such as lean protein, vegetables, leafy greens, whole grains and
fruits (Afaghi, O’Connor & Chin Moi, 2009). The pritikin diet requires that individual take foods
that are very low-fat and high carbohydrates eating plan. The diet requires individual to feed on
fruits, vegetables and high-fibre grains. The fats in the diets should not exceed 10% of the total
daily calories. Therefore this Nathan Pritikin is based on the theory of eating, low-calorie, low
fats and plant based foods that help to promote weight loss (Kreiter, 1980). Another popular fat
program is the zone diet. This diet consists of high protein, low carbohydrates and fat controlled
eating plan. The plan is not restrictive as the other plans as a wide range of foods can be
consumed. In this diet, a small portion of protein is combined with twice the amount of
carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits are required in the diet. The principle of zone diet is; the
body is genetically programmed to reach a certain level or peak efficiency after consumption of
various balanced diets. This diet recommends that 40% of calories come from carbohydrates,

30% from fats and 30% from proteins. This ratio allows the body to have maximum energy as
well as weight loss.
These three food programs are more or less the same, as they mostly require that an
individual feed more proteins. Their nutritional value is also balanced as they recommend
feeding on vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Feeding on these diets helps to reduce these
amounts of fats in the body. The level of calories is reduced since the foods that are eaten are not
fatty. It is however essential to ensure that the right amount of the foods are consumed to attain
positive outcomes.



Afaghi, A., O’Connor, H., & Chin Moi, C. (2009). Short-term atkins diet alters behavior and
glycemic status of healthy human volunteers. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research,
Kovacs, B. (2013). Diet plans &programs (cont.).