Central Line Catheter Patients

Benefits of Practicing Bundle Care Concept in Central Line Catheter Patients


Central line bloodstream infections have become a major concern for the healthcare
sector key players. Studies conducted over last two decades have been of great importance in
shedding light to the origin of these infections. The health care professional has thus turned
their attention on reducing health exposure to these infectious agents. Previously, few
infections and the associated additional costs brought about by these infections were
considered an acceptable risk. Due to the frequent access, patients on a central line catheter
are at an increased danger of contracting infections, than those with peripheral catheters. In
the 21 st century, better practices have been introduced to reduce morbidity and mortality rates
which had been earlier associated with the central venous catheter. However, non-compliance
to these practices by some health professionals has posed a challenge in efforts to eradicate
these infections. Bundle care concept has been suggested by the Institute for Healthcare
Improvement as a way of assisting in the reduction of central line infections. Bundle care
comprises catheter site selection, hand hygiene, use of chlorhexidine skin antisepsis, and
daily review of the central line. The aim of the paper is to educate on the importance of the
bundle care practice by the medical professionals, to reduce central line-associated infections.

Problem statement

Central line blood infections have been a challenge in the healthcare sector, with a
mortality rate of up to 25 percent (MMWR) . Various underlying factors contribute to the
spread of the infection. The weak immune system of patients, especially those in the intensive
care unit, and other underlying infections in the patient increase the risk of the patient to be
infected. The pathogens enter the blood stream in many ways. These include; during the
insertion of the catheter, when accessing the catheter when giving medication, or changing
caps, or during hub manipulation (Hadaway) .
Central line associated blood stream infections are bringing about additional expenses
for the patient. The hospital stay of the patient is significantly lengthened increasing the other
health care costs. An additional $33,500 to $75,000 cost is estimated for every infective
episode (Jackson and Cooper) . The patient’s quality of life is also significantly reduced,
especially when the pathogen is unknown. Studies indicate that 5.3 central line infections are
recorded for every 1000 catheters and an associated mortality of approximately 14,000 deaths
annually. CDC reports suggest that if blood stream infections of all patients in the world can
is almost 250,000 per year (Hadaway) .
The increased workload to the nurses minimizes the quality of care they provide to the
patients. The nurses lack enough time to provide holistic care to the patients, resulting in a
reduced patient satisfaction. To mitigate these setbacks, the Institute for Healthcare
Improvement suggests hygienic handling of the infected patients. Optimal catheter site
selection, use of chlorhexidine skin antiseptics, and hand hygiene will in a long way reduce
the instances of infections.
Bundle care practices applications in various hospitals have resulted in a notable
reduction of cases of central line infections to patients. Use of these combined methods will

bring about a better outcome compared to applying only one. Preparing a checklist while
handling patients will ensure all procedures are compliant with the bundle care guidelines.
Innovations in the healthcare sector have devised strategies for early detection of
infections. Budgetary constraints, however, pose a challenge in developing and financing
health care changes. Diseases brought about by use of invasive medical devices have been
documented to cause severe complications with disabilities and even death.
Schears in a study in 2012 stated the primary reason for the poor protocol compliance
by health care professional was staff shortage (Schears) . There is limited time available for
the staff to attend to many patients, pushing them to rush in their work ignoring protocol.
Health care practitioners have constantly been reminded to follow the protocol even in the
limited time frame. A suggestion by CDC to carry all necessary equipment required to
provide care per bundle care protocol in one cart to reduce ignorance (Akridge) . In a study by
Hamage, it is seen that there is a reduction in the number of complications and infections
related to catheter infection, when a continuous monitoring is conducted (Harnage) .
The health care sector is a sensitive institution. Therefore for any changes or strategy
to be introduced, evidence of its good outcome to patients should be evident. In this light, an
education program to remind healthcare professionals of the importance of the following
protocol should be introduced due to its many advantages, as shown by Jacoby (East and
Jacoby) . This should be coupled with constant staff evaluation to ensure all ethics and
standards are followed, while at the same time observing patient safety.
Developing an implementation plan

Bloodstream infections are a significant medical hazard. The effort by stakeholders to
eradicate this problem has not been successful, majorly due to non-compliance by

professionals (Schears) . Increased infections have been reported in various health care
institutions, raising concerns over the quality of care given. The financial burden associated
with the extra up to eight-day stay in the hospital and the mortality rate of 12-25% is a major
worry. In this setting insisting on the following of protocol reduced the infection rates
(McPeake, Cantwell, and Malcolm) .
In another report by MMWR in 2011, a 58% reduction in disease was noted when
bundle care practice are followed (MMWR) . A total of $414 in medical cost was saved,
together with 6,000 lives. These figures underline the importance of following the bundle
care practice. A study conducted by Kaye et al. confirms this by attributing proper catheter
insertion measures and following of maintenance bundles to a great reduction in central line
infection rates. Implementation of the new policy will result in health care efficiencies in both
cost and quality of care.
When comprehensive education has been given to the health care professionals
regarding the need for practicing health care bundle in the system, the new policy can be
successfully introduced to the current workflow. An in-service program will be presented in
the health care institution and be used to educate the professionals on how to use the bundle
care system. For comprehensive coverage of all the personnel in the hospital responsible for
handling patients, a two day per week progressive to up to three weeks will be set. The
senior nursing officers will be tasked to ensure that all the health care professionals fully
participate in the education program. They should further ensure all proposed changes are
eventually incorporated into the system, and all staff members are complying with the
For the purpose of educating the staff, all relevant materials should be provided to
them. These include pamphlets and PowerPoint presentations elaborating the current policy’s

shortcomings and how these will be addressed by the new system being advocated.
Information technology devices play an important function in this. A survey can be
conducted after the sessions to test the personnel’s’ knowledge of using the system.
Before commencing of policy change, it is necessary to seek approval from the top
management, and for a smooth flow, from fellow staff members. In a health care setting, a
new policy has to be approved by the board of directors of the institution. The chief nursing
officer then presents the policy to the board, although the officer is typically a member of the
board of trustees. In this way, all the stakeholders of the health care facilities participate in
providing better and customer outcomes and overall satisfaction.
Incorporating the germ theory

Theories are concepts that are interrelated and provide a systemic view of a concept
that is observable and is explanatory and predictive in nature. The nursing profession is
supported by various theories that govern how the nurse assesses and dictate how to handle
the patient depending on the specific needs of the patient. The Germ theory states that
specific microorganisms are responsible for certain diseases (Nursing planet) . The theory is
perceived to be the pillar of modern medicine, explaining the mode of disease transmission
and possible intervention interventions for preventing disease transmission.
Organisms that cause central line infections can enter the body of the patient in
various instances including catheter insertion or through contaminated fluid and medication.
Health care personnel actively in contact with the patients are also at a risk of picking
microorganisms including Klebsiella species. This underlines the importance of hygiene in
the health sector by patients and health personnel to reduce central line infections.
Chlorhexidine has been recommended by CDC, as an effective catheter cleaning agent.

Nurses should primarily be educated on the importance of hygiene when dealing with
patients with central line catheter, together with other components of bundled care.
Decontaminating the fingertips when handling the catheters, proper cleaning and disinfection
of the insertion site and use of maximal barrier precautions should always be used. Education
sessions will thus be introduced to educate nurses on the importance of these, and follow-up
peer reviewing conducted to ensure the proposed changes are implemented.
Developing an evaluation plan

An evaluation consists of a formal and systematic procedure used to evaluate how
well a procedure or policy is operating, flaws arising from the system and possible ways to
deal with the problems. Evaluation of a policy is conducted continuously on a random basis,
and modifications did when required. This consistent approach in the health sector due to the
need of evidence-based practice required while introducing new technologies in the sector.
This paper digs into the benefits of the use of bundle care concepts in the reduction of central
line infections in central line catheter patients.

Evaluating the effectiveness of new policy

To determine the efficiency of the bundle care system in the health sector, in the
reduction of central catheter infections, a primary health center will be studied. Audits of
reports before and after implementation of the concepts will be compared. The start will also
be independent with the approval of the plan by the board as aforementioned. There will be
provision of PowerPoint presentation to participants who have accepted to participate in the
study. Forms of pre and post evaluation will also be available for the participants to evaluate
their knowledge level, attitude, response to the program and possible suggestions concerning
the program.

Assessment of variables

To achieve comprehensive benefits of the bundled care, all concepts must be
practiced together. Proper hand hygiene, use of maximum precaution barriers, regular central
line review, proper catheter insertion point selection, and use of chlorhexidine for cleansing,
are the core concepts to be followed in the theory. Close adherence to the protocols by the
professional health care providers will significantly reduce incidences of central line catheter
infections. The study results will, therefore, be affected by the level of compliance with the

Assessment tool to evaluate the success of the new policy

The audit tool will be used to test for the success of the bundle care concept within a
time interval of six months. Patients review will be done to compare with other audit results
obtained from analysis of the nurses. Information gathered could also be used to identify the
shortcomings of the bundle care concepts and modify areas which are failing.


Research finding from the study can be disseminated to health care stakeholders to
push for the incorporation of the bundle care plan in health institutions that are yet to take
them. Evidence-based findings will be a greater motivation to the stakeholders compared to
technical data. Publishing of the data in renowned journals and medical pamphlets will
further spread the evidence to the wider community (Oermann, Shaw-Kokot, and Knafl) .


Advancement in science and technology has considerably contributed to advancement
in the health care center. The emergence technologies have enabled reduction and mitigation
of previously acute infections. This achievement has been possible due to evidence-based

practice, with information technology playing a vital role in the dissemination of this
Central line-associated blood stream infections, though lethal, can be effectively
managed if proper precautions are taken to prevent the disease. Hygiene of both patients and
the handling health care professionals is the primary driving force in this change. In order to
achieve zero cases of central line blood infections, best nursing practices should be strictly
followed, with bundle care concepts being adhered to.

Works cited

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